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I don't think cowgirl could possibly be a real person. She has to be some kind of artificial intelligence. Have y'all seen that movie, "Lucy"?

Cooking with Lucy!
Jeanie, another stellar cook, it looks so good.
What exactly is a backstrap, (easy on me I’m a city fella).

Thanks Gordon! The backstrap is the strip of meat running down either side of the spine. It's very tender!
Hope you and family are doing well!
I don't think cowgirl could possibly be a real person. She has to be some kind of artificial intelligence. Have y'all seen that movie, "Lucy"?

Cooking with Lucy!

All of you fathers who are teaching your daughters how to fish, hunt, cook outdoors and survive..... Remind them that unfortunately, there are people who do not think they have the intelligence or ability to do it. :tsk:
I was gonna say that you ought to be ashamed to post such.After thinking about it a moment,I was wrong.Any post with Wild Plum wine is apropos.We used to have thickets of wild plum trees around here when I was a kid,quail too.They both started disappearing around the same time.Makes me sad.Your meal looks DIVINE! :thumb:
Jeanie. Thanks! As usual, another cook leaving me drooling. It's almost like a really pleasant torture :tape:


How you don't have a cooking show is beyond me! How in the the hell did you do a protein so perfectly through ought? Sometimes you actually defy gravity :-D
Been saying the same for years. With her multiple skills she'd put pretty much every other cooking show to shame.

You are the last person in the world I would what to pizz off but What's the big deal about these schrooms? Can you tell more about what makes them so special?
Jeanie mentioned "Earthy", which I agree with. They also have sort of meaty texture IMO. They're different from every other mushroom.

Use to be an excellent fine dining restaurant here in the metro area called Golden Mushroom. Was the first place I tried them. Sadly, the place closed years ago. I'd forgotten about morels until spotting some on the side of the garage at my last home. Was strange because they were growing within a few feet of my Weber kettle in a rock bed between a sidewalk and a brick wall, just out the side door to the garage. Had a few pine trees on that side of the house, which've since learned morels seem to like. Was using the kettle almost daily back then. It was like they grew overnight.

Was excited as hell to have them growing in my yard. Split and rinsed them with distilled water in a bowl. Took the bowl back out to the rock bed and poured the water out, thinking the spores might grow more the following year. Never saw another morel in the yard. They're finicky.

They dry and re-hydrate well. Give'em a try Morels