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That is better than good Amazing sounds better I have looked for these mushrooms I would think my property would have them Have never found one
Looks amazing neighbor!

Love morels they just bring back bad memories of poison oak I got crawling under stickers to get a patch of morels.
Jeanie, you made staying at home and living off the land/ avoiding the grocery store a thing before the Covid-19 did. You certainly did a great job on that meal and you always impress!

Thanks Adams! Beautiful weather this week! :-D

That is better than good Amazing sounds better I have looked for these mushrooms I would think my property would have them Have never found one

I bet they grow in your area George! Maybe check an online mushroom site. Sometimes they will mention areas to look. Thanks! :-D

Amazing. I love the way you document every step.
Thanks so much! I take the pics for my blog.
I never know how many to post here though... sometimes I get carried away. lol :redface:
Looks amazing neighbor!

Love morels they just bring back bad memories of poison oak I got crawling under stickers to get a patch of morels.

Neighbor! Good to see ya! Hope all is well with you and family.
lol Sorry to hear about the oak. That had to be painful!

Jeanie, you made staying at home and living off the land/ avoiding the grocery store a thing before the Covid-19 did. You certainly did a great job on that meal and you always impress!
Thanks Ron! I get by out here. :-D
Natural food at it's best! The hunting, the gathering, the cooking - and the picture taking - all of it top notch! Love it!
Holy Cow Jeanie or should I say Holy Deer! That looks delicious. Only mushrooms growing in my neck of the woods are toxic at least that's what I've been told. Thank you for sharing.
Natural food at it's best! The hunting, the gathering, the cooking - and the picture taking - all of it top notch! Love it!

Thanks Greg! I know you've seen me cook this meal a million times. lol
Hope you are staying safe and having a great week! :-D

This is also my go to spring meal. The first morels always require a mess of crappie.
I'm going crappie fishing!! Sounds great!! :-D

Holy Cow Jeanie or should I say Holy Deer! That looks delicious. Only mushrooms growing in my neck of the woods are toxic at least that's what I've been told. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you Bill!! Shoot, too bad about the toxic mushrooms!
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
Stupendous, stunning and stellar!!
Thanks Greg! :-D
Hope you're having a great week!

Its all been said but have to add my dime. Fantastic!
Thanks so much George! I eat a lot of venison... I try to make it interesting. :-D

Wow, talk about living off the land. Hunting deer, hunting mushrooms, hunting onions. A spectacular looking plate.

Thanks Dom! One of the reasons I love living in the country. There is so much the land has to offer. Hope you're doing great! :-D
You are the last person in the world I would what to pizz off but What's the big deal about these schrooms? Can you tell more about what makes them so special?

They're wonderful! The quick and dirty method is cut them in half so you can rinse the dirt and or bugs out, flour and fry, then season.

My favorite mushroom, that I never get.