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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jul 18, 2007
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I make this every spring, when the morels and wild onions are showing. It's probably my favorite meal.
I brought in a whitetail buck during rifle season this year...






Butterflied a section of one of the backstraps..


Gave it about a 2 hr quick cure in the fridge...



used some of my dried morels...




Gathered a few wild onions..




Rolled and wrapped...


into the drum til done...





Served with some homemade wild plum wine and called er good!




It's one of my favorite spring meals. :-D

Thanks for looking!
You are the last person in the world I would what to pizz off but What's the big deal about these schrooms? Can you tell more about what makes them so special?
My brother is one of those types that Kills a buck just for the backstrap and the head. He lets me keep the rest. I basicly have to process the entire deer, but i get everything else. I don't complain. I keep a few fillets from the backstraps though, lol.

I do give him some deer jerky, but i tell him there is not too many muscles that can be made into jerky, lol
Heard of kickin' it up a notch but pretty sure a whole buncha notches got kicked with that cook.

Lawd have mercy!
Fabulous Jeanie! Just WOW! Everything about that is great. The backstrap is one of the best parts of the deer (2nd only to the belly loins). We collect morels and wild onions here too. Put that all together and I'll bet it's wonderful.
My goodness, Jeanie! That's a righteous meal!

My favorite Spring meal also involves Morels....and fresh caught Crappie.

How you don't have a cooking show is beyond me! How in the the hell did you do a protein so perfectly through ought? Sometimes you actually defy gravity :-D
Thanks Greg! A cooking show would interfere with my fun time. lol
The quick cure keeps the meat tender and juicy.

You are the last person in the world I would what to pizz off but What's the big deal about these schrooms? Can you tell more about what makes them so special?

Thanks Mike! The mushrooms are special. They only grow maybe 2 weeks out of the year. I can't describe the flavor but maybe it's earthy?. lol They don't grow everywhere, you have to find a good patch and keep it secret. :laugh:


My brother is one of those types that Kills a buck just for the backstrap and the head. He lets me keep the rest. I basicly have to process the entire deer, but i get everything else. I don't complain. I keep a few fillets from the backstraps though, lol.

I do give him some deer jerky, but i tell him there is not too many muscles that can be made into jerky, lol
Heck, I'm the opposite of your brother then. lol I don't hunt for the rack, just the meat. Glad to hear you get the rest! :-D

Looks fantastic Jeanie!

Thanks Marty! I'd trade for any one of your meals! :-D

As I said in another thread, I'm not going crazy for game, but this one looks really good.
I would try it for sure!

Your ribs looked delicious! I wonder if Roe deer have a different flavor than American White Tail deer. Thanks mbt! :-D
Heard of kickin' it up a notch but pretty sure a whole buncha notches got kicked with that cook.

Lawd have mercy!

Thanks Charles! It's a special meal for me. Reminds me of why I enjoy hunting and foraging so much. :-D

Looks great, but them little onions,every time.:thumb:
Thanks Titch! Those little onions are tasty. :-D

A woman of many talents, looks fantastic Jeanie.
Thanks so much Kevin! Hope you have a great week! :-D

Fabulous Jeanie! Just WOW! Everything about that is great. The backstrap is one of the best parts of the deer (2nd only to the belly loins). We collect morels and wild onions here too. Put that all together and I'll bet it's wonderful.

Great to hear that you enjoy the morels and onions too Joe! Pretty nice to be able to make a meal from what's growing in the area. Thanks so much! :-D
My goodness, Jeanie! That's a righteous meal!

My favorite Spring meal also involves Morels....and fresh caught Crappie.

Heck, Gary!! Morels and crappie would be delicious... I'll give that a try, thanks! Hope you're able to get out and do some fishing soon! :-D

Jeanie, Everything about that meal is fantastic. From start, ( i'm a lever action hunter) to the prep, and oh my goodness the final product. Drooling over here.
Great that you're a lever action fan too Josh! I bought a new Henry a couple of months ago and just love it!
Thanks for the kind comment. Hope you all are keeping safe!
Killer b cook, Jeanie! That is a royal meal for certain... I appreciate the patience it takes to forage for mushrooms. Looks like you've got a pretty sweet double-super-secret spot staked out! Thanks for sharing the cook!
Killer b cook, Jeanie! That is a royal meal for certain... I appreciate the patience it takes to forage for mushrooms. Looks like you've got a pretty sweet double-super-secret spot staked out! Thanks for sharing the cook!

Thanks Hawkeye! The mushroom hunting area has been good to me. lol
Hope you're keeping safe!