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Can you post the exact dates and what will be happening those days so folks don't show up on the wrong day. It IS a 3 day weekend after all. :laugh:

Hate to show up on the wrong day. :doh::icon_blush:

SoCal Brethren Bash is Saturday September 3. "Official" time is 2 or 3, but anyone is welocme to come earlier if they need to get to cooking or just want to hang out - or if you want some breakfast by Bigmista :whoo: - just using that time as something folks can refer to. It will go until we are done.

The next day, Sunday the 4th, will be the day of our annual family pig roast and all Brethren are welocme to that as well. That one will probably start a little later in the day, like 4. We got a house full of Brethren doing the 2-fer, so it's basically a 2 day party. :shocked:
I'm thinking of making some carne deshebrada or chili verde. Not BBQ, but good. I'll make it ahead, and heat for a snack for whoever is there in the afternoon watching the lamb run around in circles. I'll bring tortillas and all the fixins' for tacos. I'll think about a dessert also. Now, for Sunday... Probably some jalapeno dip/chips and maybe another dessert. I'll bring a couple of cases of water too. Greg, if there's anything you need me to bring for either day, let me know. ( serving stuff, storage stuff, cooler, ect.)
Here's the latest and greatest info so folks don't have to go digging for it:

SoCal Brethren Bash is Saturday September 3. "Official" time is 2 or 3, but anyone is welocme to come earlier if they need to get to cooking or just want to hang out - or if you want some breakfast by Bigmista - just using that time as something folks can refer to. It will go until we are done.

The next day, Sunday the 4th, will be the day of our annual family pig roast and all Brethren are welocme to that as well. That one will probably start a little later in the day, like 4. We got a house full of Brethren doing the 2-fer, so it's basically a 2 day party. :shocked: :whoo:

Current roll call:

SmokinJohn & wife
Moose & the Missus
SoCalWjs & wife
Tonybel (2fer deal plus young 'uns)
tonyjohnson619 + 1


Big Brother Smoke
TomB + 1

New folks - don't be shy - we were all new at some point and we'd love to see you. Holla!

So that's around 24 coming and 6 maybe's.
^^^Fantastic! I'll be updating the list soon and next week I'll start sending out PM's with address info, etc.