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I'm bummed! Our son is getting married that weekend so I can 't make it.

Sorry you can't make this one and congratulations to your son!

Would a newbie be ok? I feel odd since it seems like you all know each other very well.

The great thing about a Brethren bash is how friendly and welcoming everybody is. Please feel free to come and meet a buncha new friends.
Well looky what came from TX:


frognot sent these for the Bash, but in the interest of helping out, I may have to do a little advance tomorrow. :hungry:

Thanks Charles! :clap2:
I was stoked about our plans for that weekend but am kinda bummed now. This looks like a whole lotta fun. On my bucket list for sure
Especially after some pig candy cinnamon pecan rolls. :mrgreen:

Maybe we should just all wear togas?


Guerry might be showing up if it's a "no pants required" bash.

DaveAlvarado introduced me to Redneck Cooker rubs at a Texas Bash a few years ago.