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Now that everyone is phat & happy... My wife wants an APB put out for a pic of the Orange Creme Cake. :becky: She wants to make it really bad but doesn't want to not due it justice. So if anyone has a pic from the bash or anywhere, please post it or pm me.

Thanks to everyone that posted pics and notes; next year this is a must event for my wife & I. :thumb:
A little late with my post, finally made it home after a quick side trip to the In-Laws in San Diego. Much driving.

Greg! Thank you soooo much for hosting these things! You and Shannon put up with an awful lot from all us visiting Pholks from the Brethren. Always enjoy every minute except when it comes time to leave. Great food, comaraderie, and drinking as usual. Good to see the gang again as well as several new faces. Incredible voyages made by many, but especially Phubar and honorable mention to Frognot. Great to meet both of you!

Thanks to all for making the SoCal GTG a great time!
Just now coming up for air! :shocked:

I don't even know where to start - or finish. It's been non-stop Phun since Phubar, Padawan and frognot got here. Just dropped frognot off at LAX a few hours back & campdude hung out here for a couple days - it's really a privilege to know and hang out with people like these.

I love seeing the familiar faces at the Bashes and I love meeting the new farkers - and I'm looking forward to seeing everybody again. There's a certain type of person who enjoys outdoor cooking, and they tend to be my kinda people. I really thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with each and every one of you Pharkers.

I never expected that coming to a site to find info about BBQing would lead to having a great bunch of new friends - the whole thing kinda blows my mind really. Great food, amazing people, good times - that some good chit right there!

Thanks to everyone for coming and hanging out, helping out, bringing such great eats and being so easy and fun to be around. I gotta shout out to frognot, Phubar, padawan, & campdude for really helping me pull off the past couple days. There is no farking way I could have done this without them. Evil-g also stepped up big time - always making sure we had what we needed to make things run smooth. Much appreciation to all of y'all Pharkers!

Right now Phubar, Padawan & I are just kinda puttering around the house and yard & Phu is making stock from the pig skeleton, and I'm picking up some tips on that!

battery is fixing to die so gotta go....

Soooo....when's the next one? :hungry:
just got home from a long weekend traveling so cal we went to visiit my mother in Big
Bear after the bash,but I would like to first say thanks to Greg for being a great host and also how great all of the food was I'm still not much hungry 2 days later but more than anything I want to say how great it was to meet all you awesome people
Had some time to decompress from the flight and disrupted sleep patterns and want to post before I get back into the work groove.

I had the most incredible weekend with my Brethren friends (none who had been met in person prior to Friday). Y'all are some of the coolest, friendliest, most welcoming people ever. EVERYBODY was too awesome to this old guy from Texas. Am afraid that somebody will be missed if I try to mention everybody so just know that all y'all were the essence of the Spirit of the Brethren.

Gotta give a huge muchas gracias to my hosts Greg and Shannon who generously opened their home to a total stranger. It was a privilege and pleasure to meet such a cool couple. Total class act and super parents to two great young men.

Phubar and Padawan, y'all were a delight to spend time with and am so looking forward to seeing posts and pics of your upcoming journey. Veilig reist mijn beste vrienden!

Marty (campdude) and Sako (ssv3), thanks for help finding some great West Coast craft beers for my son, Brian.

Last big cyber hug to my fellow member of the Brethren class of 2004. We finally got to meet (both Friday and Saturday). Guess will be heading back west in the future.

Y'all do know Bigmista wrote a cookbook, right?
Had some time to decompress from the flight and disrupted sleep patterns and want to post before I get back into the work groove.

I had the most incredible weekend with my Brethren friends (none who had been met in person prior to Friday). Y'all are some of the coolest, friendliest, most welcoming people ever. EVERYBODY was too awesome to this old guy from Texas. Am afraid that somebody will be missed if I try to mention everybody so just know that all y'all were the essence of the Spirit of the Brethren.

Gotta give a huge muchas gracias to my hosts Greg and Shannon who generously opened their home to a total stranger. It was a privilege and pleasure to meet such a cool couple. Total class act and super parents to two great young men.

Phubar and Padawan, y'all were a delight to spend time with and am so looking forward to seeing posts and pics of your upcoming journey. Veilig reist mijn beste vrienden!

Marty (campdude) and Sako (ssv3), thanks for help finding some great West Coast craft beers for my son, Brian.

Last big cyber hug to my fellow member of the Brethren class of 2004. We finally got to meet (both Friday and Saturday). Guess will be heading back west in the future.

Y'all do know Bigmista wrote a cookbook, right?


One for the books Charles and thank you again.

Savoring this

Was there any difference in the pig rotisseried compared to the ones you've done in the offset?

Other than crispy skin and no smoke flavor, it was pretty similar. We had some of the ham meat that Greg chopped - it wasn't quite ready to pull. Mixed it with chopped skin - YUM. Most of it was pulled, juicy, and delicious. We slowed down the cooking process because it was getting done faster than expected. The final temps were lower than expected also. When her back legs broke free of the shackles, we knew it was time. The skin was amazing and the cheek meat was slightly different texture than a smoked pig. I can't say one way is better than the other, both extremely great! Watching her spin in circles was mesmerizing. You NEED to make the next one Ray.
I have not had a meat coma like that in years!

I have spent the morning sharing pics and stories with my co-workers, who are extremely jealous. To a person, they are amazed that we can come together and chill and feast and chat. I said that's the magic of this group. I'd like to think that Heaven is something like this, minus the calories.

I am going to do what I can to visit as many of you as I can before the next Bash. I really don't want to wait another year.
Was there any difference in the pig rotisseried compared to the ones you've done in the offset?

Other than crispy skin and no smoke flavor, it was pretty similar. We had some of the ham meat that Greg chopped - it wasn't quite ready to pull. Mixed it with chopped skin - YUM. Most of it was pulled, juicy, and delicious. We slowed down the cooking process because it was getting done faster than expected. The final temps were lower than expected also. When her back legs broke free of the shackles, we knew it was time. The skin was amazing and the cheek meat was slightly different texture than a smoked pig. I can't say one way is better than the other, both extremely great! Watching her spin in circles was mesmerizing. You NEED to make the next one Ray.

No smoke Phlavour but we had crispy skin.

Yup - pretty much what they said.

I gotta say I do miss the smoke flavor, but I also do like the skin on a rotis. Cowgirl gave me the idea of enclosing the space and trapping the smoke, so I'm gonna try that. I also wanna make a burn barrel and cook with wood burned down to coals.

Also there's a lower finish temp on a rotis, 'cause if you go all the way to pulling temps the pig will just fall into the fire :shocked: It was already starting to come apart in a couple spots when we pulled it off, but as Marty said, the hams weren't all the way to pulling temps - still tasty though! I was also seeing a little fat for the first time on a whole pig. In the smoker, it's all rendered - on the rotis, some of it is still kind of at the gel stage. The cheeks are always great, but just farking batty good on the rotis pig.

And, again, like Marty said, watching an animal spin is kinda mesmerizing. It's like staring at a fire or an ocean. It really works for me.
I have not had a meat coma like that in years!

I have spent the morning sharing pics and stories with my co-workers, who are extremely jealous. To a person, they are amazed that we can come together and chill and feast and chat. I said that's the magic of this group. I'd like to think that Heaven is something like this, minus the calories.

I am going to do what I can to visit as many of you as I can before the next Bash. I really don't want to wait another year.

Roger that. No farking way I'd wait a year to see you farkers again.,AMSKEF0WW443-KEFLAX0WW173

Dates were just PHor a baseline... dePHinitely on my bucket list

Are those prices for round trip? :shocked: I like to fly direct, but I'd be totally cool with a layover for that kinda price. Plus it'd be cool to see if you could stretch it to spend a couple days in Iceland.

And yeah, you wanna go there - most dePhinitely.