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Just an update - we've gotten a few sponsors lined up and working on more. Due to fewer sponsors this year, it looks like we may be without a band on Friday night which I'm a little disappointed in... it gives the public coming out for the People's Choice a more festive atmosphere. We're still working on that. So far, it seems that's the only thing we'd be lacking from last year.

To date, we already have five teams entered which is ahead of last year's pace. I have also already gotten nearly 100% CBJs who have responded to my email or emailed me from the KCBS Web site. Hope to get some more entries this week! Thanks for your support of the March of Dimes!
Super drag....
"Thanks so much for thinking of us...

I'm sorry to say that we're already booked to play a fundraiser that evening.. It's not listed on our page because the venue isn't licensed to host live music.

One of our venues has links listed on their page to a ton of bands in town who may be able to help you.

Go to their links page to find the other bands."
A 12 pack and bottle of tequila will get Bob from MoKan singing every time...very memorable entertainment.
How much more do you need for the band? Who is it that you're looking into? I emailed some dudes:

They're good.

I have spoken to Bob Walkenhorst of "Steve, Bob and Rich" / "The Rainmakers" fame. He said The Rainmakers don't play together any longer but he and a buddy, Jeff Porter, play for about $750 for two hours and can add a bass player and the drummer from The Rainmakers (Pat Tomek) for $1500. I think they're a little out of our price range. The band we had last year I really like a lot ( I think they were $1200 for 3 1/2 hours. Stan and I were discussing the possibility of a sponsorship - one business to sponsor the band. I think the band makes people's choice a better draw. I'm open to suggestions.
Jeff, is this the same band from Blue Springs? If so give me a call maybe we can get them for a little better price.

I have spoken to Bob Walkenhorst of "Steve, Bob and Rich" / "The Rainmakers" fame. He said The Rainmakers don't play together any longer but he and a buddy, Jeff Porter, play for about $750 for two hours and can add a bass player and the drummer from The Rainmakers (Pat Tomek) for $1500. I think they're a little out of our price range. The band we had last year I really like a lot ( I think they were $1200 for 3 1/2 hours. Stan and I were discussing the possibility of a sponsorship - one business to sponsor the band. I think the band makes people's choice a better draw. I'm open to suggestions.
I have a pretty good rendition of Cocaine Blues from Walk the line (Think GAB in 2007). I can sing that if you want.
We're only five weeks out on this event! As of this afternoon, I have fully updated our Web site to include all that we know as of now plus RESULTS and PHOTOS from the 2008 event!

Hope you plan to be here in April! Visit the site and download an entry form at .
Just put my entry in the mail box. (since I didn't get the free entry draw from Winterfest last night:mad:
Boondoggle will be there!


Stan/Jeff, I'll get our registration along with the entry certificate in the mail as soon as we determine if we are doing the peoples choice.
Boondoggle will be there!


Stan/Jeff, I'll get our registration along with the entry certificate in the mail as soon as we determine if we are doing the peoples choice.

Come on bro! Spurgeon is giving you a butt and some wings. What have ya got to lose?