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Bob in St. Louis

Babbling Farker
Jul 31, 2012
St. Louis Missouri
Nothing too serious going on here. Just fired up the smoker since the wife and daughter are making Christmas cookies.
Basically, that means she's not cooking dinner, so if I want to eat tonight, then it's up to me to cook it.
She's busy making a thousand (yea...) cookies, so she won't be in the mood to do dinner.

Sooo....I run off to the butcher and see what he's got.
I bought two of the largest chicken breasts I've ever seen.
The top one got Agave nectar, Kosher Salt, and freshly ground black pepper.
The other got EVOO, Kosher Salt, Hungarian Paprika.
Both placed in seperate cast iron pans.

Pizza was on my mind... I was too lazy to make my own dough, so I'm using Pilsbury pre-made pizza crust. Don't judge. :rolleyes:
I was going to do a single smoked chicken roasted Roma Tomato and Basil pizza. But when I got to the deli, the Andouille sausages were calling my name, so I bought some of that too.
We're now having two pizzas.
But there was a nice looking pork butt sitting there with my name on it. I couldn't bear walking away, so I bought it as well.
I figured since the smoker was going, I might as well use it...ya know?
Here's the chicken breasts and seven pound pork butt;


A close up of the butt;
In the tray, I put a grate to lift the meat off the tray. I want to catch the juices for use later.....
In the bottom of the drip pan, I sliced two onions and a Jalapeno pepper.
The rub (I've never tried) is "Jachs Texas Style Sweet Rub", extra Kosher Salt and fresh ground black pepper. I also used the Agave Nectar on the pork, before the rub went on.


Since I had the camera out, and since you can see some baking stuff in the background, I figured I show you my ladies in the kitchen doing cookies.
This is the messiest the kitchen gets.

That looks like a great start. I see you got yourself a nice little spot on the counter to work at. :grin: That's a nice sized island, in my house if the girls were baking, I'd be preppin' outside. :thumb:
Thanks guys!

@ Fingerlickin...yea, I've got a very SMALL spot on the island today.
I build this island since we like to cook a lot. But even so, it doesn't seem large enough. :laugh:

The top one is the Paprika/EVOO.
Bottom is the Agave;

I used a torch to "burn" the tomatos. Then I put some Basil on them. Then I topped them with sliced onions and more basil.
On the bottom is the Andouille sausage.
All of that went on the smoker for a while.

On the bottom, I've made the pizza dough and browned it a bit.

more soon.....
Pizza cooking on the "pizzaz pizza" cooker....with some of Mom's cookies in the background.
The rest...well, speaks for itself.
The pork butt will be finished late enough tonight that I won't be willing to take photos.
If all goes well, the camera comes back out in the morning.
Y'all have a good night.







THanks guys!
Yea, the pizzaa cooker was such a wonderfuel piece of equipment, we bought a second unit since our family can eat more than one pie.

Final update:
Last night at 11:00, I took the pork off the smoker. I wrapped it tightly in foil, then tightly in large towels. I then packed that in a small cooler.
This morning at 7:00am, I shredded the meat, put it in several small ziplock bags, and into the fridge/freezer.
No, I don't normally wait that long, but I got a late start on things. It was still amazingly warm this morning. "Fall off the bone". Yum.

pic #1; the butt.
pic #2; one of the ziplock bags.


My wife saw the pictures and now demands she get to bake cookies while I'm prepping my cooks.

Everything looks great! I tried agave on some ribs last week, let me know how it came out on the pulled pork!
Thanks guys!!!

Sorry about that Carter. Maybe she'll let you choose which cookies she makes. ;)
I was afraid of the agave. If just seemed too wierd to use in such a way. But I've seen it a couple times recently. Once here, and a few times on the "Triple D" show.
Turns out it was pretty good. I couldn't tell much difference on the pork. Althought I didn't use very much (out of fear). But on the chicken it was great.
Might be something you'd have to baste a few times while smoking.

Bottom line: I'll be using it more often and in larger quantities. :thumb:
Thank you!
I got them a few years ago at HomeDepot.
They can with the wooden things to set them on ("trivets"?) and the potholder sleeve that slides down the handle. If memory serves, they were like $7 a piece.
Well worth the money. I use them all the time. mainly, because the smoker doesn't have a lot of grill area, so small cast iron pans are just the ticket.
They're back in the BBQ grill accessory section of the store.
Fantastic cooks, one and all Bob! I had to work around homemade cinnamon roll prep on Saturday night while I was making a pot of chili. We have a large enough kitchen but not nearly enough counter space, so I've been looking at ideas for an island to build or buy. Thanks for the idea through pictures.