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is Blowin Smoke!

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Jun 30, 2016
Not a meat dish so walk away if that's what you're after.

For two. If you're making for more just multiply.
Olive oil
1 Tbs Balsamic vinegar
1 Tbs Ketchup
Two eggs
2 cups of cherry tomatoes or regular tomatoes or canned sliced. Use ripe tomatoes. Even bad looking ones. Not fresh green.
100g tomato paste
1 medium onion
1/3 red bell pepper. Possibly smoked as suggested by WHsmoke below.
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dried uregano
1 tsp dried basil
2 tsp cumin
Two smashed garlic cloves
Bread. Any kind you like.

*This dish takes sipcy very well. So add whatever you feel comfortable with. I like some spiciness but my wife doesn't. So here it'll be very mild. You can go as crazy as you want. Chile, jalapeños whatever.

Some ingredients

Heat up a pan. You'll need one that has a lid for later.
High heat no lid until I say otherwise.
Chop the onion and thin slice the bell pepper.
Fry the onion in olive oil until golden brown texture like sun.

Meanwhile put most of the tomatoes in a food processor and mash them. Leave 4 out and halve them.

Add the sliced pepper to the brown onion until its soft.

Add the halved tomatoes and fry them a little

Add the tomato paste, garlic, black pepper, cumin, basil and uregano. Add hot spices here if you want. Mix it well to a crazy red paste. Fry it a little.

Add the mashed tomatoes and squirt some ketchup and some balsamic. About 1 Tbs each. Mix to a freh pink dish.

Reduce the heat to medium and simmer to reduce the liquid about 10%. Meanwhile go clean up the mess you made.
No! Stop! Leave it for someone else. Go heat some bread. White goes well. But any kind will do.
Taste it and correct. Add spicy if you need. If it's too spicy tough luck! Can't help you...

Once it's reduced it's time for the eggs. Dig a small hole and carefully drop one egg one each side. Don't break the yolks. Don't. Trust me. It's a different dish with broken yolks.

Cover the pan and lower the heat to medium. Covering will help the eggs cook evenly and faster. Also it'll stop reducing liquid. We want solid white and running yolks so stay close and check every 1-2 min.

Not ready


Use a big spatula to move each egg to a plate without breaking it. Pour the mixture around it.
Eat while it's hot. Serve with warm bread.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.
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I love shakshuka! Coming for a visit in March and this is one of my local favorite dishes.

This is a great step by step instructional. Thank you!
Looks very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Bookmarked so I can try it in the future. I like the fact that the ingredients are all commonly on hand.
We love Shakshuka at our house too. I tend to stir the egg whites in just a bit with a chopstick to make sure they are cooked. My wife hates uncooked egg white.