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Humble Soul

Full Fledged Farker
Sep 13, 2013
Honolulu, HI
I recently helped out an old fella clear a parcel of land that was full of Kiawe (Mesquite) trees, and I was able to take a bunch home. Most of the pieces are well over a foot long, and anywhere from 3-5" in diameter, some are bigger. If I am wanting to grill using the wood, do I have to split these in half or chop them into smaller pieces? Is it possible to use a whole log? I don't have an axe so getting them to be smaller than it's current size would be a challenge for me. Any advice is appreciated :) Thanks in advance!
What type of smoker? offset you should be fine. Charcoal/ chunk style cut them to 3-4" length and don't split. You will wanna let them "season' for 3-6 months. Air dry.
My plan was to grill some teriyaki chicken and oysters in my 22" weber kettle. They're already quite dry (doesn't rain much here). I ran out of charcoal and have a hefty load of mesquite so I'm wondering if I can use it in place of briquettes.
My plan was to grill some teriyaki chicken and oysters in my 22" weber kettle. They're already quite dry (doesn't rain much here). I ran out of charcoal and have a hefty load of mesquite so I'm wondering if I can use it in place of briquettes.

let it burn down to red hot coals then toss meat on. :thumb: