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To answer ALL of the PM's I'm getting.... NO, I don't have any more samples available. LOL!!! You are about four years too late. :p mean I have to pay for it now? :twisted::laugh:

Somewhere Audrey has a picture of Michael and I making the first batch four years ago. I'll have to see if I can find that.

Thank you everyone for your support. Every sale directly affects my family. We aren't some big corporation. We are a family owned and operated business.

Well...ok then...if you put it that way...:p Order placed...:thumb:...I hope those Great Lakes boys are snappy...I got a couple of briskies to do this weekend...:becky:
I got some Yardbird earlier this summer and was very happy with the results on pork butt and ribs. But then I got Bovine Bold for Christmas and tried it this last weekend on a chuck roast, with a light sprinkle of Montreal Season on top. OH MY GOSH. I couldn't stop eating it as I was slicing it. It was amazing.

Thanks for the great rub. I'm glad a few samples turned into something this big. Thanks for the history lesson too. Pretty neat to see how these things begin (and begin here). I too late to get a sample?:rolleyes::laugh::becky:

I just ordered some more from Great Lakes BBQ Supply too!
2 of the best things I've been introduced to since I joined this site......Plowboy's Yardbird and Great Lakes BBQ Supply!
I don't know HOW either of you guys do what it is that you do, but both of your products are AWESOME!!!

Can't tell what it is about Yardbird that gives is such a distinct great flavor, but I LOVE that chit!

And you guys at Great Lakes are LIGHTNING fast! I clicked on "Pay now", jump immediately over to my inbox and there sits a confirmation? What, is Spidermike just SITTING there at the keyboard WAITING?:shock::heh:

Thanks fellers.......
Never heard of Plowboys. I just use rubs sold by people who win the Royal. :p

For those of you who may not have tried Plowboys, yet, do yourself a favor and order some. If, for some reason, you don't like it, I'll dispose of it for ya. :rolleyes:
Thanks for all of the PM's interested in samples, folks. But this thread is from four years ago. Samples are LONG gong. :laugh:
"update: no longer available"

Darn!! I was just waiting for the initial rush to be over!!! :wink:Didn't want to overwhelm you with requests!! :wink:

Got some Bovine Bold on tonight's tri-tip dinner. Still feedin' my family Todd!! Really do love your product!