Opinions on FAB?


Knows what a fatty is.
Nov 15, 2011
Hey Brethren! I'm going to be competing in my first KCBS sanctioned competition this spring and I've heard and read some stuff about FAB. While I would like to have an edge going into this competition, I was wondering what some more experienced competitors thought about the product. I'm leaning towards not using it because I like to do things all natural and am concerned about MSG. I know I can taste MSG in a product like BBQ potato chips and I wonder if when judges taste it they score lower (kinda like it's cheating). I know they have an "no MSG added" variety but still don' like the idea of the other chemical type stuff in it. Do you think I'll place well without it, or is it almost necessary to do well? Any thoughts from you guys would be appreciated!
a high % of teams use products like Butcher's, Kosmo's or FAB injections, especially those who consistently perform well (but not all). You can be at a disadvantage by not using one of them.. but if you think you cook a great brisket, then go without it and see how it fares.
Put personal preferences aside when competing. The judges don't care what you prefer!! FAB is a good product and many top teams use it to enhance the moisture, taste, and tenderness of their products. However, you can win without it - but it is one extra "thing" about comps that new folks have to learn about.
Remember that you are not cooking for your taste, you're cooking for the judges. We've been trusting our Butcher lately and it hasn't failed us yet. Whatever you use....I suggest using at least one of the Big 3 mentioned by MilitantSquatter.
In competition bbq you need to do as much as you can to put yourself above the rest of the teams. Fab helps do that, not just flavor but in the moisture department. I think that Fab B does exactly what is was invented to do. I did a pork test run last weekend using Fab P and it was awesome. Give it a try and see what you think , you may just surprise yourself with the results.
Why don't you just cook 2 whatever's and do one with and one without in a practice run and you decide.

Sage advice.

I have used FAB, Butcher's, and Kosmo's.
All are great and I use them for comp meats--not backyard cooking due to cost.

Well it seems pretty unanimous! Guess I'll get some and see what all the fuss is about. I noticed something on the website saying that it may change cooking times because of moisture rentention. Anyone know about that?
It's FABulous!!! I have won a lot of awards using FAB. :becky: Is it the only one? No. Probably the original. But as someone else said. try FAB, Butchers and Kosmos to attain the flavors that you want for the judges, not the taste that you want. If you are cooking for yourself you will be making a mistake. Cook for the judges.
Also.. I am not sure if its released to the public yet. But the FAB C Dark for chicken is awesme. I've had the opportunity to play with it a bit and it's a winner as well.
I have not tried FAB but have used Butcher's and Kosmo's with good success...like Scottie said...cook for the judges...not yourself! :thumb:
I use Butchers and wouldn't cook without it. Much better moisture retention on brisket and much better meat flavor on both butt and brisket. MSG is a natural substance that gets a bad rap because a very small percentage of the population gets "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome (headaches) from it. I use it half strength (twice as much water).
What about the phosphates? do you use that in conjunction with the regular beef or pork injection? and if so does it make a big difference?
What about the phosphates? do you use that in conjunction with the regular beef or pork injection? and if so does it make a big difference?

FAB contains phosphates

CONTAINS: Hydrolyzed soy protein, partially hydrogenated soybean, cottonseed oil, sodium phosphates, monosodium glutamate, autolyzed yeast extract, disodium inosinate and guanylate, xanthan gum.

I know that, just didn't know if more was better! They have the Ames triple phoshate on the site where they sell the FAB and I didn't know if you use both or just one or the other.
In competition bbq you need to do as much as you can to put yourself above the rest of the teams. Fab helps do that, not just flavor but in the moisture department. I think that Fab B does exactly what is was invented to do. I did a pork test run last weekend using Fab P and it was awesome. Give it a try and see what you think , you may just surprise yourself with the results.

Come on man don't hold back. I know that it's the moss tea that is doing it for you. Made from moss harvested from the north side of trees in moonlight of course. :heh:
Butchers, Fab and Kosmos are all great weapons for your meat. Just follow the directions. If you use too much it will over power the meat.
- Phosphates will give a soapy taste.
-All of the other ingredients are basic flavor enhancers. When used at the correct levels they work great. If used wrong, your meat will won't taste like meat anymore.

I would recommend the Big Black Needle from F Dick. You will get more even penetration of liquid into muscle tissue. The small needles are OK. We use the F- Dick in our Pilot Plant everyday on meat projects when starting off with new formulas.

My tip: Inject at least 2 hours prior to cooking. The Phosphates need time to settle into the muscle tissues inorder to achieve water retention.
-Beef broth is OK, I just dont care for any broth darker than the meat color after cooking. It leaves ugly brown spots in your slices.
Make your own White Beef Stock if you want to use beef flavor.

Have fun with it, experiment with what you like best and have your friends taste it!
