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And all this time I thought mine was a silver.... turns out it is a gold (got it as a b-day gift and thought the gold was the one with the temp gauge in the lid) since it has the ash catcher and the grill has hinges for adding charcoal.

Did I mention I am new to all of this?

I'm going to swim up stream on this one. I like the silver, it costs less. If you want a hinged grill add one for 18.00 and park a galvanized pail on the ash pan for another 7.00 and 2 fire bricks for 2.00 your 50 bucks ahead. Not to mention IMO it is easier to adj the intake because you can see how much it is open unlike the gold.

I've got the Silver and feel no need to upgrade to Gold. A pail works just fine for catching ash.

If the factory catcher makes it safe for a wood deck and I grilled on a wood deck, then I could see where it's worth the extra cost.

I don't get a lot of hot ash flying around though, as I really only "sweep" it before/after grilling anyway.
I don't often use the Kettle for longer cooks.

For that reason, I also haven't felt the need for the hinged grate.

Also, the lid hook has been mentioned as a Gold upgrade, but the Silver has one too.
The ash catcher is worth it and a sharpie will mark the amount the bottom vent opens when you slide the handle. If I was going to convert one to a full on smoker with a Cajun Bandit or a Smoke-EZ, I'd buy the Silver. Otherwise, the Gold is a great unit. But of course, different people appreciate different things.
When you cook cook chicken, and flaming fat is running down and out of the grill are you still thinking of the $50?

I don't mind a little fat dripping down into my galvanized pail.

I think they are both great purchases. If more people see better value in the Gold version (as it seems), fine. I was just pointing out that I'm glad they still make the Silver.

The built-in ash catcher and the hinged grate isn't worth an extra $50 to me, but I could see how it would be for some.
If you're looking to score on craigslist, you will find 10 Silvers listed for every Gold. If the ash catcher is important to you, expand your search to include "Performer". Performers appear more often than Golds and you can get one for a pretty good price. Mine was in like new condition and cost me $50.
Gold is the way to go.

Or buy a silver for 30 bucks off craigslist and then order the ashcatcher from weber.

I am not sure who at weber thought it was a good idea for the silver to just let ashes and coals fall out the bottom onto a sloped plate that drops the ashes at even the slightest breeze.
I bought a silver. No problems with a little ash falling. I cook on a concrete patio. Would I like a gold, sure, but I got the new silver during a end of year sale for $55. Regardless of the model, it will last you a lifetime if cared for.
