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Smoke is in the the house! Out in Englewood chillaxing!
See yawl Friday night. Bring me a stogie, Clint!

Welcome to the right side BBS. Looking forward to the meet and greet that Clint will be holding for you. Yes he JUST volunteered his site and said he'll be your biatch for the weekend. Just be careful around him, he likes to smear peanut butter on grown mens naughty spots.
No kidding around, he's a registered man-molester. He walks around the events with a jar of Jiffy stalking his prey. The LI Brethren are used to him, we throw quarters at him as a distraction then walk the other way. In one hand it works well, we don't have much face to face interaction with him during a competition. The down SIDE is, he saves all the quarters for self promotion and press releases.
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No kidding around, he's a registered man-molester. He walks around the events with a jar of Jiffy stalking his prey. The LI Brethren are used to him, we throw quarters at him as a distraction a we walk the other way. In one hand it works well so we don't have much face to face interaction with him during a competition. The down SIDE is he saves all the quarters for self promotion and press releases.

No wonder he brings stogies and tekilya!:tsk:

Clint I have a series of bumps on my arse :tape:

Obviously, you are not afraid of hair after someone PMed me what you did to Phil!:shock:
Whats wrong with a duplicate item? We are all competitive and could judge the items side by side. I would love to see somebody else make big barry poppins pureed brats, potatoes and onion dish

Jamba Juice is in negotiations for my Ultimate Protein Smoothie...yum!

No dirty references....
No kidding around, he's a registered man-molester. He walks around the events with a jar of Jiffy stalking his prey. The LI Brethren are used to him, we throw quarters at him as a distraction then walk the other way. In one hand it works well, we don't have much face to face interaction with him during a competition. The down SIDE is, he saves all the quarters for self promotion and press releases.

He is good with Junkies too......
lmao this thread is so off

Hey does anyone have 2 tables we can borrow, we lost two of ours in the "incident". Thanks in advance!!
Just came across this picture from the first year of BBB when my daughter took off with my trophy. Time flies.
