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El Ropo

Quintessential Chatty Farker
Oct 6, 2010
Austin, TX
Name or Nickame
So I posted a topic for this a while ago, and have yet to get a response here, or from Hunsaker directly. The other thread is 44 days old now, and I can't even bump it.

Anyone have pics of a recent Hunsaker Vortex basket for a 22.5" WSM?

Some dimensions would also help sway me. I'm interested in the diameter and height of the basket. Why isn't this info available on their website?

I've done about 4 long cooks on my WSM and am extremely disappointed in the fuel efficiency and longevity of a full basket using the Weber ring. All of my cooks, the fuel has run out before the food was done. The cooker isn't leaking much, I re-formed the door and re-rounded the middle cylinder before starting the first cook. Using the same amount of fuel, my old UDS would go for 12 hours easy. The WSM is starting to lose heat momentum after 6 hours. I'm trying to cook at around 275-300F, so am looking at the Hunsaker basket.

I'm not looking for advice on how to help the stock WSM perform better with the Ring, I'm already convinced I need to Ditch it. It's just a matter of making my own UDS style basket, or just forking over the $$ for the Hunsaker basket.

I forgot to mention that I've never used water in the water pan. It has been empty and just wrapped in foil for all of these cooks.
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Hey Roger,
While I do not own either a Hunsaker nor a WSM, I have two ideas of information sources for you. Maybe the virtual bullet site for WSM owners and enthusiasts, or even youtube for a video of someone demonstrating their Hunsaker/WSM set-up.
Whenever I have emailed or called Mark he has always been very responsive. I originally started talking to him about a Vortex Charcoal Basket for a WSM 18.5 but at the time the basket was going to be too tall to hang ribs so I decided to sell it and go all in.
I cloned a Hunsaker fire basket for my 18.5 WSM. I've used it maybe 6 times. Works well for high heat cooks. Have no idea of "official" dimensions... just eye-balled the build after looking at various pix. Fuel consumption is average for an 18.5 using briquettes.

Haven't a clue regards the 22.5 WSM. However, I suspect it works the same as the 18.5 - just on a bigger scale.
There are several posts at the Weber virtual bullet forum about the vortex.

I am cooking on a 22.5 for 12 to 14 hours with no problems and mine is stock. There is something off with your setup if you can only go 6 hours even if you are using lump.
Dude, don't buy an expensive basket, make your own. I used some expanded metal and wire to make a no-weld basket for my WSM (18" version). I never use the water pan, so I take it out, put a pizza pan in it's place as a deflector, and my DIY ring is twice the height of the stock ring (that bowl takes up a lot of space - with it out, you can put WAY more fuel in it).

I've done a 15.5hr cook on mine, the last 2.5hrs running wide open at 350*F, and still had coals left over. I use lump. With the larger 22" size you should easily be able to go 24hrs or longer I imagine.

Mine vs the stock ring. Same diameter, twice the height.

Thanks all for the replies. The lump or briqs question. I've tried a ~50/50 mix of lump and briqs, and tried straight briqs a couple of times. I've already cooked a 10lb butt, an 18 lb brisket, and 2 racks of whole spares. Even with the Spares,the fire started to lose it after about 4.5 hours (but I didn't fill up the ring on that cook cuz the ring is freaking huge!)

I have experience making UDS style fire baskets so that would be a piece of cake for me to do. But if the Hunsaker is the right size I have in mind, I'm really digging the heavy build and the way the vortex system is supposed to work.

I haven't tried to call them up, as I prefer to use email (stupid internetz). My email to them never got a response..
First, all you have to do to post in the old thread is check the little box acknowledging that you know that it is an old thread.

Second, what e-mail address did you use? Mark or Ryan are normally very responsive.

Third, if you are on Facebook, join the Friends of Hunsaker Smokers FB group. Lots of good info and cooks there.

Both Mark and Ryan are active in the group.
Also “Friends of Hunsaker Vortex Smokers” Facebook page if you want to know any questions about anything Hunsaker. A bunch of nice folks on the page that would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
Wow, I tried to log into FB and it says my account has been disabled. I've never been active there and none of the reasons listed in "why has my account been disabled" apply to me.

Now they want me to send them a copy of my ID to verify my account.. I got work to do! Don't have time for this lol.

I know we are all busy, but it would be really cool if someone could measure their WSM Vortex basket and give me the diameter and height. It is crazy how difficult it has been to find this simple info.

I can't actually call Hunsaker because I work during their business hours, only get half hour for lunch, and am not allowed to use my phone during work hours (High security area, no phones allowed in the warehouse except for management).

Hi I've good luck with my WSM 22 using Weber Charcoal, a filled ring last time gave me 12 hrs plus.

PS I was using a Cyber Q Dx2
Wow, I tried to log into FB and it says my account has been disabled. I've never been active there and none of the reasons listed in "why has my account been disabled" apply to me.

Now they want me to send them a copy of my ID to verify my account.. I got work to do! Don't have time for this lol.

I know we are all busy, but it would be really cool if someone could measure their WSM Vortex basket and give me the diameter and height. It is crazy how difficult it has been to find this simple info.

I can't actually call Hunsaker because I work during their business hours, only get half hour for lunch, and am not allowed to use my phone during work hours (High security area, no phones allowed in the warehouse except for management).

HAve someone call him and ask MArk to call youon a weekend or after business hours.. He is very accomodating
Wow, I tried to log into FB and it says my account has been disabled. I've never been active there and none of the reasons listed in "why has my account been disabled" apply to me.

Now they want me to send them a copy of my ID to verify my account.. I got work to do! Don't have time for this lol.

I know we are all busy, but it would be really cool if someone could measure their WSM Vortex basket and give me the diameter and height. It is crazy how difficult it has been to find this simple info.

I can't actually call Hunsaker because I work during their business hours, only get half hour for lunch, and am not allowed to use my phone during work hours (High security area, no phones allowed in the warehouse except for management).

PM me your contact info and I'll ask Mark to reach out
If you haven't done so yet, I'd recommend a second charcoal grate to form a "criss-cross" You'll be able to prevent some of the smaller pieces from falling thru thus getting more out of it. I agree with the people above, something is off if you have problems running it for long cooks.
Two things. One, my WSM gives me long burn times with the stock ring so I know you can make it work. has lots of advice on the WSM. Two, Mark is very responsive to emails. The basket is 13.5" high and fits the 18.5" and 22.5" WSM. I got that answer from him 2 years ago when I was considering it. I didn't ask about the width since I was wondering about water pan clearance. I recently ordered the WSM plate that goes over the existing WSM ring and am going to try it this weekend. The WSM is a great pit and you can't go wrong however you decide to use it. Good luck.
Hunsaker sells a Vortex plate that sits on top of the WSM basket. I've had mine for about 6 months and love it. I also bought the Gateway Hanger ring and it has transformed the way I use my WSM. If you want additional info, let me know.