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OK here is a formula to remove periods, dashes and scores from the KCBS site in excel.
First paste the results from KCBS site into column A in excel. Then paste this formula into column B.


Overall Ames 4/21/2012 ...

1 Big T'z Q Cru
2 TippyCanoe BBQ Crew
3 Swine Assassins
4 Smokers Purgatory
5 Midnight Smokers
6 Templeton Rye Woodfellas
7 Lucky's Q
8 Smokey D's Wannabee's
9 4 Dry Pigs
10 Spitfire
11 Smokehouse 72
12 Iowa State Grill Team
13 Mark's Smokin Que
14 Boyle's KC BBQ
15 Woodward Barbeque
16 Honeybadger BBQ
17 Brown Chicken Brown Cow
18 Gothic Town Grillers
19 QU Smokin' Krewe
20 Zs Smokin Bones
21 2 Shay BBQ
23 Sweet Thing Bar-B-Que
24 Rebel Fire Que'n Company
25 Two Little Pigs BBQ
26 Iowa Wild Hogs BBQ
27 Hooligan's
28 Jaestar BBQ
29 Ole Barn BBQ
30 Barbecue Thief

Can not post from excel and have the list apear but if you post it into word then the forum .. it works???
How to post from excel into forum???
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I can't help myself from finding ways to solve problems....


Only removes the first "." and everything including and after the last "-".
I can't help myself from finding ways to solve problems....


Only removes the first "." and everything including and after the last "-".

finally got around to trying this and I can't get it to work. I have attached my test file to play around with it.

any thoughts?


  • kcbs_results_test.xls
    50 KB · Views: 11
Yeah, the one I posted worked great with team names had a had a dash in them...the point was to only remove the last one. Here's one that works with team names with and without dashes. It worked great on the testing spreadsheet (in Excel 2010), and it's a little bit shorter to boot. It takes some shortcuts, but it's good enough for this project.

=TRIM(REPLACE(MID(A1,1,FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(A1,"-",CHAR(1),LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"-",""))))-1), FIND(".", A1), 1, ""))

Yeah, the one I posted worked great with team names had a had a dash in them...the point was to only remove the last one. Here's one that works with team names with and without dashes. It worked great on the testing spreadsheet (in Excel 2010), and it's a little bit shorter to boot. It takes some shortcuts, but it's good enough for this project.

=TRIM(REPLACE(MID(A1,1,FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(A1,"-",CHAR(1),LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"-",""))))-1), FIND(".", A1), 1, ""))


that works great. thanks.
Well there is always the option of sending me the cleaned results in a text file for any missing contests. We are currently working on updating the rankings for the last couple of weekends. Real life got in the way with vacation and 3 contests in 4 weeks so we got a little behind.

I have been thinking about moving to more of a crowd sourcing model for getting the results in, but that still requires some more thought and then will need development time and money. Anyway, there have been quite a few contests added today and we will continue working to get the rest added.

thanks for checking out the website.
Also a quick side note...this weekend in Marietta my team was entered as Kudzu BBQ instead of Kudzu Q. Which means that it went into the website as Kudzu BBQ instead of Kudzu Q, so I had to go and fix my own team's results because of it being entered weird in the scoring program. If your name appears differently each contest your NBR rankings are never going to be accurate. If that is you, just remember to check with the rep on friday to make sure it is entered the way you want it.
what about missing contests from the past? how do we get those updates done? i submitted an email on the site but it appeared it errored out when i clicked submit.
what about missing contests from the past? how do we get those updates done? i submitted an email on the site but it appeared it errored out when i clicked submit.

best way to reach me is either through the facebook page for NBR or through [email protected]

I might not respond, but I will take a look at the issue as time allows.


I have had some people ask for a team search function and I am trying to get an idea of how everyone would want that to work.

A couple of options are if you are on the overall rankings page it would search the overall rankings and highlight your name. same with the other rankings. Sort of a beefed up ctrl+f feature.

Another option would be that you search your team name from anywhere and it takes you to the team page which has all your rankings on it?

Which way would you rather it work?
Que and a Half Men

I emailed you a month ago about moving our scores to our correct team name. I know you are busy and I don't want to "pester" you.

From: Bill Minahan
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 12:38 PM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: My Team

Great job on your site. However, we are listed twice.
Que and One Half Men <> Que and A Half Men

The correct listing should be Que and a Half Men.

Please combine the scores. Regards.
I think it'd be great just to be able to search a team name and then click on that result to pull up the team page...
I emailed you a month ago about moving our scores to our correct team name. I know you are busy and I don't want to "pester" you.

From: Bill Minahan
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 12:38 PM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: My Team

Great job on your site. However, we are listed twice.
Que and One Half Men <> Que and A Half Men

The correct listing should be Que and a Half Men.

Please combine the scores. Regards.

I merged the two teams. Thanks.

Also a reminder if you see that your team name is not exactly the same every time you compete, you should check with the reps on friday @ the cooks meeting to make sure that they have it right in the scoring program. Otherwise there will continue to be problems with your rankings. Just a PSA for everyone. It has even happened to my team.
I think it'd be great just to be able to search a team name and then click on that result to pull up the team page...

That's Easy. Go to

Scroll to the bottom. Click >>Show All Teams<<

After it loads, hit CTRL+F to bring up the small search box in the lower left of your screen. Type some of the team name.

For example, you type in "The Gra", your screen will go to "The Grateful Pig" and it will be highlighted. Click on that team and all their history is there with their rankings.
Wow! Not many of our competitions have been submitted...we show 3 out of 14 for last year...and 1 out of 5 for this year...oh much for that. :tsk: