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I like that someone is trying to capture this, since BBQBUG no longer is, and KCBS seems to be throwing in the towel, but it IS inaccurate. No contests after August 2011 show up for our team, so we are missing some key results including a GC in our scoring.
It is certainly an honorable endeavor, and is no doubt difficult to pull off. Even more so to make accurate. But the reality is that if the data isn't accurate, there isn't much value and all the effort is wasted. If teams can't trust that the data is reasonably accurate then it won't be trusted as a source of quality information.

From my personal experience, emails to get data corrected went unanswered and were not acted upon. I could only assume that the site was not being actively maintained so I moved on. If there is a better way to provide information in a way that it can be actionable, then I would be more than willing to put the effort in to provide it. Based on the number of teams reporting issues, and my own research of teams I know of, there is a ton of work to be done before the site can be considered a reliable resource of information. If the owners have a renewed commitment then please let us know how we can help.

It would be great to have site like this that we could trust. I hope this site gets there eventually.
Rich, he became pork cook of the year in KCBS... Coincidence? And he is busy reading all of these messages and texting me, so it's perfect... Hahaha honey mustard chicken... :mrgreen:

I for one applaud the work that goes in to running these sites. It's a ton of work and my hats off for trying.

Hey Q.U.A.U., if you want to even it up you can just text me Scottie's recipes.....:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Hey Q.U.A.U., if you want to even it up you can just text me Scottie's recipes.....:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

According to Mike, I use Prego on my chicken. I personally like Prego better than McDonald's honey mustard sauce....
If there are missing contests for your team and you would like it corrected the fastest way to make that happen would be to send me the missing contest in the following format.

This is an example of a contest I am about to enter. You can copy and paste the printable version from KCBS and do some cleaning up. please then email me the information in a plain text file along with an email with your team name and what contests you are updating.

If you feel particularly charitable and would like to send contests that you did not attend that would be great as well. You can email me @ [email protected]

Aksarben River City Rodeo & Stock Show BBQ Contest
Omaha, NE
09/23/2011 - 09/24/2011

1 Swine Assassins
2 Phat Jacks
3 The Smoking Hills
4 Spitfire
5 Woodward Barbeque
6 Grills Gone Wild
7 Leep's BBQ
8 Butler Center BBQ
9 Big T'z Q Cru
10 Truebud BBQ

1 Grills Gone Wild
2 Leep's BBQ
3 Truebud BBQ
4 Butler Center BBQ
5 Kev's Chew Chew BBQ
6 Smokehouse 72
7 Quiet Riot
8 Swine Assassins
9 Big Stacks BBQ
10 Tattoo Bob's Bar-B-Q

1 The Smoking Hills
2 Flying Wrench Smok'n Pit
3 Swine Assassins
4 Woodward Barbeque
5 Spitfire
6 Omaha's Blowin' Smoke
7 Iowa Outlaw's BBQ
8 Bubba Q's
9 Big T'z Q Cru
10 Simple Dick's

1 Phat Jacks
2 Spitfire
3 Swine Assassins
4 Bubba Q's
5 Iowa Outlaw's BBQ
6 Woodward Barbeque
7 Big T'z Q Cru
8 Freddies Firebox
9 Butler Center BBQ
10 The Smoking Hills

1 The Smoking Hills
2 Swine Assassins
3 Phat Jacks
4 Grills Gone Wild
5 Lucky's Q
6 Pork Patrol BBQ
7 Iowa Outlaw's BBQ
8 Tattoo Bob's Bar-B-Q
9 Leep's BBQ
10 Big T'z Q Cru
So I apologize if I wasnt clear, but copying and pasting the printable results from the KCBS website is just the start of the process. I need scores, periods, and extra teams removed from the results as well.

So instead of

1. teamname - score

I would get

1 teamname

I certainly appreciate everyone sending in corrections, but sending the names without removing the scores doesnt really help that much. KCBS adding the scores to their results really threw a monkey wrench into the rankings since that information has to be removed before I can parse the names.

Also if anyone who is a board member or knows a board member or maybe previous worked in an IT capacity for KCBS could help me get the results without the score information that would really speed things up.

Anyway, thanks and let me know if you have any questions.
I like that someone is trying to capture this, since BBQBUG no longer is, and KCBS seems to be throwing in the towel, but it IS inaccurate. No contests after August 2011 show up for our team, so we are missing some key results including a GC in our scoring.

Speaking solely for myself, not for KCBS or the board....

Either I haven't expressed myself clearly enough, or you have information that I do not being a member of the board.

KCBS is not "throwing in the towel". It is our intent to accomplish the task. To accomplish that task tomorrow would require resources that would take time away that are currently devoted to other tasks that benefit members today.

I get it, I'd like to see it yesterday too. We've looked at the issue, including the responsibility that comes with it which IS greater for KCBS than other third parties that have done it in the past, are currently attempting to do it, or that may attempt to do it in the future.

Those are the facts.
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I read these and felt like our team ate a giant bad chili dog...then I saw kcbs and felt better....I applaud the effort and Im sure it will get running more smoothly.

Removing the scores is rediculously simple to automate. Same with periods after the place.

I'm leaving it as an exercise to the reader.

Instead of just blabbing about how easy it is why don't you help the guy out or point him in the direction of a solution?

I don't know what language you are using to parse the data but you can find one of these handy dandy regular expression testers for java, perl or whatver and test out your regex.
I tend to not help people who make threats of physical violence towards me.


I didn't see any threats in this thread so I'm going to assume it was from something else. I do not know nor do I care what, where or when. However, if that is the case then why respond at all to this thread just to tell the guy how easy it is? It seems like a pointless exercise and adds nothing to the conversation.
I read these and felt like our team ate a giant bad chili dog...then I saw kcbs and felt better....I applaud the effort and Im sure it will get running more smoothly.

I sent info from Vista (8-11), Dana Point, and both Knott's contest as these seemed to be missing. That should help Big Poppa's Smokers as well as Funtime BBQ. Didn't do the others because Funtime was not competing or had no top 10s.

If you are going to take the time to send me results please make sure that I am missing the results before you go through the effort. Also please remember that each contest will only appear when you have a top 10 finish in that category. So if you didn't place in the top 10 overall, but did get a chicken call the contest would appear under chicken and not under overall.

Thanks to everyone who has sent in results. I think that i have addressed most everything that came through the facebook page and I am slowly working through emails. Making sure that I am actually missing something before you send it will speed up the process since I wont be chasing down mistakes that aren't there. Also please pay attention to the formatting.

Thanks..oh and the rankings were updated. Pellet Envy moved back into the top 20 with their first grand of the year and Quau stays in the top spot. Hope everyone is enjoying the rankings.
If you are going to take the time to send me results please make sure that I am missing the results before you go through the effort. Also please remember that each contest will only appear when you have a top 10 finish in that category. So if you didn't place in the top 10 overall, but did get a chicken call the contest would appear under chicken and not under overall.

Thanks to everyone who has sent in results. I think that i have addressed most everything that came through the facebook page and I am slowly working through emails. Making sure that I am actually missing something before you send it will speed up the process since I wont be chasing down mistakes that aren't there. Also please pay attention to the formatting.

Thanks..oh and the rankings were updated. Pellet Envy moved back into the top 20 with their first grand of the year and Quau stays in the top spot. Hope everyone is enjoying the rankings.

Thanks for all the hard work you guys are putting in to this! :thumb:
First thank you to all those putting time into this. It is obvious that in its present state it is very time consuming.

As Jorge said the real answer is to have this done right from the start which will take a lot more resources than is available now. So looking at how to make it easier right now …

Can contest results be posted on a this forum in a format that will import to the rankings database?

If so .. why not have users post , under a new sub-forum, that they are formating a contest. Then they follow up by posting the contest results in a format that works for those imputing numbers into the rankings. It would then be available for all to see and post a reply if there are any corrections. That way corrections are done before they are posted to the ranking and it puts the time consumming work into the hands of those that have it available or have it available that week.