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Had a great time hanging out with some great Brethren. I want to give a big thanks to all that came out today. We had some great food. I will post my pics in a bit. Or first thing in the morning. Again thanks everybody I appreciate all the time and Effort
Next one will be back South, hopefully at Lake Belton again, and in the Fall.
Such a great time today! This is my 2nd one and I can't wait for the next one. So much good stuff to eat and everyone is just awesome. I met most of the texas guys last fall it was great to see them all again. Can't believe guys from Louisiana came out. :clap2:
Was super great meeting y'all. Definitely had too much food and not enough room in my stomach.. although by looking at me you would think otherwise.. lol

Will try to keep an eye out for the Fall bash and see if I can make it.

Don't forget about Ag76 being an international tourist attraction.. :bow:


What a great bash. Will post more tomorrow. Had to leave early to good to family gtg and dinner was BBQ catered from some place in Carrolton. I had a beer and played with my great nephew and niece in the pool and them two kids done wore me out.
Was super great meeting y'all. Definitely had too much food and not enough room in my stomach.. although by looking at me you would think otherwise.. lol

Will try to keep an eye out for the Fall bash and see if I can make it.

Don't forget about Ag76 being an international tourist attraction.. :bow:



That is the cutest thing I've seen on the internet all day!!!
Nice time had it looks like but when are y'all gonna learn to cook? :noidea: JK!!!

I propose shot glasses be used for the tequila because not a big enough dent is made in that bottle! :heh: