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WOW! What a great time. Met more Brethren than I can even hope to remember. A huge thank you to To Sauced to Pork for hosting the Brethren mixer Thursday evening. Looking forward to seeing some of you down the road...
Wiped out. Had Q'n from here as our first judge. He came by later and it was great to chat with him. He gave us straight 10's in all but overall where he was torn but had to award his 10 to another team... Giving us a 9.9. Close but no cigar. Finished mid 20s in ribs which was a bit disappointing but a 3rd in Beef (after a 2nd in seafood last year) was nice.

Booth was insane thurs/fri.... Band was amazing. Will post many more pics and video tonight. Now, however, I will be floating in the pool with a beer. Load out complete
I was part of Team On Asswinement. Kingsford and the National Pork Board brought in an editor from Better Homes and Garden, Saveur, Men's Health, Huffington Post and Me.

We met for the first time on Thursday morning. Other than me there was no low and slow BBQ experience. A couple gas grillers. We spent Thursday learning from Chris Lillie about rubs and sauces along with detailed instruction on how he cooks his competition ribs. It was an amazing day.

Thursday night we were giving every spice and herb under the sun to come up with our own rub and sauce. It was quite an interesting experience.

Friday we practice cooked our ribs on an amazing pit from Pitmaker out of Houston, Texas. After our ribs were done we were mock judged by Chris Lillie, Amy Mills, Brad Orrison and Tuffy Stone. Had a great dinner with them all.

Friday night we fine tuned our recipes based on the feedback from our judges. Got to hang out with the gang from Big Bob Gibson BBQ and Riblicious.

Saturday we cooked our ribs, went through the judging process and finished 83rd. Considering we started from scratch with five guys who only met Thursday morning I'm thrilled with the results.

We didn't get a call but still got to experience the thrill of it when we got to go on stage with Chris Lilly for his 5th place in shoulder.

Ate at Rendevous too.

Got to spend some time with Tuffy's team and Johnny Trigg in the hotel lobby Saturday night.

All and all an incredibly amazing weekend. Mi am so fortunate to have been given this opportunity.

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Friday we practice cooked our ribs on an amazing pit from Pitmaker out of Houston, Texas. After our ribs were done we were mock judged by Chris Lillie, Amy Mills, Brad Orrison and Tuffy Stone. Had a great dinner with them all.

Wow...that's quite a panel to cook for!
I was part of Team On Asswinement. Kingsford and the National Pork Board brought in an editor from Better Homes and Garden, Saveur, Men's Health, Huffington Post and Me.

We met for the first time on Thursday morning. Other than me there was no low and slow BBQ experience. A couple gas grillers. We spent Thursday learning from Chris Lillie about rubs and sauces along with detailed instruction on how he cooks his competition ribs. It was an amazing day.

Thursday night we were giving every spice and herb under the sun to come up with our own rub and sauce. It was quite an interesting experience.

Friday we practice cooked our ribs on an amazing pit from Pitmaker out of Houston, Texas. After our ribs were done we were mock judged by Chris Lillie, Amy Mills, Brad Orrison and Tuffy Stone. Had a great dinner with them all.

Friday night we fine tuned our recipes based on the feedback from our judges. Got to hang out with the gang from Big Bob Gibson BBQ and Riblicious.

Saturday we cooked our ribs, went through the judging process and finished 83rd. Considering we started from scratch with five guys who only met Thursday morning I'm thrilled with the results.

We didn't get a call but still got to experience the thrill of it when we got to go on stage with Chris Lilly for his 5th place in shoulder.

Ate at Rendevous too.

Got to spend some time with Tuffy's team and Johnny Trigg in the hotel lobby Saturday night.

All and all an incredibly amazing weekend. Mi am so fortunate to have been given this opportunity.

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WOW!....WOW....I mean....WOW!
Just got home - unloaded and ready for work... :(

Had a great time overall - was kept busy by the Norwegians as always, but lot of fun as always!!

Our team took a 3rd in Exotic (Lamb), the Green Grillers Award (best recycling team) and my personal favorite - 8th in Shoulder!!! What an honor - I was the main guy for the shoulders and I never thought I'd see the day where I would walk the stage for a top 10 in one of the main categories. It was a great team effort and what a RUSH!!!

Congrats to Too Sauced to Pork on their 2nd place in sauce!! Well done!!

And as always, congrats to all the brethren that walked and represented!!!

See you guys soon!!
Too Sauced To Pork had a great contest! We enjoyed meeting everyone. I am exhausted. Finished breakdown at about 5 PM last night. We unloaded flooring into my backyard just before the rain. Everyone is so tired we are going to take Monday off to recuperate. Tuesday we will clean everything including the Stumps. We will have to stack all the flooring in a place to be stored until needed again. I don't want the neighbors complaining too much. Bribing them with BBQ helps a lot. Every year at load out you say why did I volunteer to do this. About a week later its how can we improve the MIM experience next year.
Had a BLAST this past week/weekend. We all wanted to thank Too Sauced To Pork again for having the Brethren Mixer. That food was DELICIOUS!!!!!

We came Friday and walked around taking pictures and cone licking. As we got there MIL is slowing down. We made the full trip around the whole location, and she was all but giving out. I decided to take one for the team and say "if we need to go we can." To that the ladies said ok ... once we get on the trolley my g/f says "can we run over to the mall for a minute?" Her mom before it gets completely out of her mouth ... "SURE!!!!!" ... my Memphis In May gets cut short, so I can walk around a mall with the same exact stores as our local mall.

HOWEVER, I do get the promise "if you'll go we can come back for the results." Great, I'm in then. So all day Saturday I'm looking forward to making it back down to the river front. Then we eat and decide that's probably when it'll start back up ... oh wait ... we should go ahead and pack so we won't have to tomorrow ... figures

Either way, had a GREAT time, and already recruited a buddy to team with me for the Bikes, Blues, and BBQ competition I was telling a lot of you about. I'm going to find a way to hook up a TV at our site, so I won't miss the football game that day ... but IT'S ON!!!!!

Slab Yo Momma ... we walked by a few times, and saw you doing the voting thing, but it was tough for me "hang out" while MIL sat there acting like the world was coming to an end any second
Another great year with great friends. Unfortunately I had to rush back home mid-day Saturday for my daughter's first communion so didn't get to see Pete and Melissa take their third straight MIM whole hog award and 2nd GC in 3 years!
Bretheren's own "QN" judging onsite at Slab Yo Mama:




Very cool guy!