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Cool, do you know of any source for them over here in the USA?

I Googled it but all I got was stuff from Germany. I found where you and another guy were talking about it on another board in German but couldn't make out a word of it.:oops:

Looks like something that needs to find it's way into my BBQ collection!!:biggrin:

Looks easy enouht to make with some duct supplies and a drill.
Looks easy enouht to make with some duct supplies and a drill.

Or.....find a metal funnel big enough to fit on the chimney and chop of enough on the opposite side to insert a 2 to 3 in pipe, drill some holes.......
Would this work? Cheap chimney mod?
Or.....find a metal funnel big enough to fit on the chimney and chop of enough on the opposite side to insert a 2 to 3 in pipe, drill some holes.......
Would this work? Cheap chimney mod?

Why not ? Its not rocket science :idea:

Just make sure to add a handle, it gets really hot.
