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Any more pictures on that unit?

Off course :wink:


In this picture you can see that you can slide the tubing in- and out of the frame to vary the distance between the meat and the coals.



If you need more details, let me know.



Man that is insain!!! All this and your own brewer as well?? I have to come visit......You post the best pics man..Great job!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the pics, hopefully I will get me a MIG soon so I can start that project.
Its called a "Glutfix" , some sort of chimney to make a stronger draft and get coals started quicker.
You can put it directly on top of coals but it fits exactly on a charcoal chimney. The chimney lights up twice as fast and produces way less dirty smoke because of the draft.



Cool, do you know of any source for them over here in the USA?

I Googled it but all I got was stuff from Germany. I found where you and another guy were talking about it on another board in German but couldn't make out a word of it.:oops:

Looks like something that needs to find it's way into my BBQ collection!!:biggrin:

Spiessbraten is a pork roast, preferably loin or butt, that is cooked on a rotisserie. Theres many stuffing recipes, the one we had here were stuffed with onions and bacon and with red sausage.

Dang! A giant pork roast fatty. Talk about a dream come true!
Holy farkin Spiessbraten, Batman. This is one of the best posts ever! Im still working my way thru all the great pics!