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For those "few 80 hamburger " cooks you are gonna do.Weber Ranch Kettle or a Santa Magria gril
i started to say something myself but didn't want to stir anything up.


I didn’t want to bring football into the equation. Normally we don’t stop in Tuscaloosa unless we have to use the restroom, but I was going to overlook that based upon that I’m close enough to SF that I can pick up without paying for shipping. I was told that it is 24 month wait for a Shirley, so I’m now leaning toward the Lang.

Two years is a LONG way to wait for a smoker. I have emailed Lang to see what their wait time is. It will cost $400 to have Lang deliver so the cost is roughly the same. Both around $2000. If I can get the Lang this year I will probably go that route
Other question is do you have firm reasons for wanting reverse flow?

Reason I say so is many incorrectly believe reverse flow is the only way to get balanced cook chamber temps so think they need reverse flow but there are a whole lot of well built traditional flow pits out there like Lone Star Grillz etc...
No question the Shirley is the Cadillac of smokers. But the Lang is a workhorse and will serve you fine. In my opinion, the 3 things the Shirley holds over the Lang are the 1:fit and finish 2:customization 3:cabinet doors. Maybe add personal customer service although I have heard some people regularly interact with Ben Lang too.

Those are all good reasons to get a Shirley. But they are not reasons to NOT get a Lang if the timing works out better for you.
No question the Shirley is the Cadillac of smokers. But the Lang is a workhorse and will serve you fine. In my opinion, the 3 things the Shirley holds over the Lang are the 1:fit and finish 2:customization 3:cabinet doors. Maybe add personal customer service although I have heard some people regularly interact with Ben Lang too.

Those are all good reasons to get a Shirley. But they are not reasons to NOT get a Lang if the timing works out better for you.
Again I cook on both and agree. I would add that I think the Shirleys, in general, are more appealing to the eye.

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this has nothing to do with the ability of the cookers...
do you want what some call the "wow factor"? i have had all different kinds of cookers. i have some with fancy paint jobs but nobody looks at those and comments on them like the Shirley.
No question Paul. But I'm sure that's not the only factor I'd fact I didn't. I was waiting for the StLbbqstore to get their inventory shipment when I found my used Lang. I could have waited until December and paid 1500 more for the Wow.

Instead I started cooking on the Lang in June. For me having it now outweighed the wait.

Now if the situation presented itself to get a Shirley at the right time I would absolutely do it. I may even decide at some point to get on the list. And if I do, I'll enjoy the heck out of cooking on my Lang in the meantime.
No question Paul. But I'm sure that's not the only factor I'd fact I didn't. I was waiting for the StLbbqstore to get their inventory shipment when I found my used Lang. I could have waited until December and paid 1500 more for the Wow.

Instead I started cooking on the Lang in June. For me having it now outweighed the wait.

Now if the situation presented itself to get a Shirley at the right time I would absolutely do it. I may even decide at some point to get on the list. And if I do, I'll enjoy the heck out of cooking on my Lang in the meantime.

that's cheating!!!:biggrin1: finding one used changes everything. $1500 less...kind of hard to justify waiting or paying more for almost anything else. another factor is your current line-up. if you need a cooker NOW or bigger cooker NOW waiting 2 years is a big issue.

edit: i do understand that not everyone cares how pretty something is as long as it works.
Just to chime in a little.... I’m still on the forum daily but don’t post as much especially pics due to not finding an easy way since Photobucket has done their shananagans most everyone knows I build separate from Tyler
Because I work a 4 on 4 off shift in a refinery and I build on my 4 off days. When people contact me about a cooker I hate to tell them about the wait time..people say y’all need to hire more people well they have no clue.... it takes a long time to train somebody we are small and plan on staying that way there’s a generation coming up that does not have the ethics and values I was raised with.. hard work being on time and doing the right thing has escaped them somewhere... the guys we have now are friends and each cooker get a personal touch ( currently for me the wait 15 months)but for a lot of people the wait works for them for a number of reasons for others it’s to long and I get that but you know the deal coming in it’s a personal choice...... never yet seen anyone grow uninterested during the wait..... just the opposite they addd more options...... happy smoking guys and gals I hope you are richly blesssed in the coming year
Just to chime in a little.... I’m still on the forum daily but don’t post as much especially pics due to not finding an easy way since Photobucket has done their shananagans most everyone knows I build separate from Tyler
Because I work a 4 on 4 off shift in a refinery and I build on my 4 off days. When people contact me about a cooker I hate to tell them about the wait time..people say y’all need to hire more people well they have no clue.... it takes a long time to train somebody we are small and plan on staying that way there’s a generation coming up that does not have the ethics and values I was raised with.. hard work being on time and doing the right thing has escaped them somewhere... the guys we have now are friends and each cooker get a personal touch ( currently for me the wait 15 months)but for a lot of people the wait works for them for a number of reasons for others it’s to long and I get that but you know the deal coming in it’s a personal choice...... never yet seen anyone grow uninterested during the wait..... just the opposite they addd more options...... happy smoking guys and gals I hope you are richly blesssed in the coming year

15 month wait is a lot better than 24. How do you decide who builds a customers smoker. I would rather get in the 15 month line than the 24 month line.
These posts always make me realize how lucky I was to find a use Shirley right here on the BBQ Brethren. I love the thing so much that I sent in my check last month to get the exact setup I want. I am in a great spot. I can enjoy the Shirley I have and daydream about a new one and how I want it built.

As these threads always reaffirm, I will have no problem selling my current one....if I have the heart to part with her!
Just to chime in a little.... I’m still on the forum daily but don’t post as much especially pics due to not finding an easy way since Photobucket has done their shananagans

Something easy and free is Imgur. Easy to upload, can do it from the Imgur app or on your computer, and it provides direct links so you'll just need to use the "Insert Image" toolbar here on the forum.
Well obviously since the wait is so long for a SF, they are not hurting for customers. I personally could not wait that long as I'm too impatient.

I’m kinda impatient too I certainly understand... lots of good cookers out there to choose from we just happen to be blessed to be one of them.......when guys ask and say they can’t wait that long.... I steer them in a couple directions that I would choose....
I’m kinda impatient too I certainly understand... lots of good cookers out there to choose from we just happen to be blessed to be one of them.......when guys ask and say they can’t wait that long.... I steer them in a couple directions that I would choose....

If I ever convince myself that I want a wood burner, you guys would be at the top of the list of ones I would want. I guess I would just have to force myself to be patient.