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Talk about fast turn around time for a commercial. Nice shots of the Poopy and the BYC, but did not see the Spicewine.
Look when Aaron Sanchez is speaking. To the right of him, 2 people are sitting at a table. You can see the Spicewine right between them.
Forgot to mention... Chris Lilly's co-host of Season 1 of the BBQ All Star BBQ Showdown, Peggy Bunker, stopped by in the later afternoon as we were separating the briskets. She walked up to the trailer we were all working on.. Took me a few minutes to figure out who she was until Chris greeted her..

... A natural beauty...
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Bigmista said:
You had to put her makeup on?

That was the first site with pics that came up with her name... I think it was the makeup artists website..

Here's one with the good Doc next to her... I think Ray named a BBQ rub after her in his second book.
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MilitantSquatter said:
That was the first site with pics that came up with her name... I think it was the makeup artists website..

Here's one with the good Doc next to her... I think Ray named a BBQ rub after her in his second book.

Him and Chris Lilly look Photoshopped in. Their shadows don't look right in relation to the rest of the picture.
And finally, to cap it all off, Newsday used a picture from the event in the 'Letters' column (Sat, 3/17). I think that's Vinny. The caption reads "A griller takes advantage of daylight-savings time." Just like Newsday to get it wrong - he's a 'Q'er!!
MrMike said:
And finally, to cap it all off, Newsday used a picture from the event in the 'Letters' column (Sat, 3/17). I think that's Vinny. The caption reads "A griller takes advantage of daylight-savings time." Just like Newsday to get it wrong - he's a 'Q'er!!

Aww Mike... I had to dig todays paper out of the recycling bin... That's Chris Lilly in the pic, not me....
Vinny - sorry! I wasn't sure from the picture descriptions. I was sort of surprised that nobody else picked up on where the picture was from. Also that AP was credited...
Jorge said:
Vinny, when did you start sporting the specs?:cool:

last week actually... I used them only for driving for the last year or so but have found that when I'm outdoors in general it helps... Bad part was, I noticed at Kingsford, that you really better carry some of those lense wipes with ya when tending a pit, cause they get filthy...
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MilitantSquatter said:
Bad part was, I noticed at Kingsford, that you really better carry some of those lense wipes with ya when tending a pit, cause they get filthy...

That's just because you haven't been wearing them long enough, after nearly 4 decades of wearing glasses regularly, you get to the point when you clean your glasses every other week whether they need to be or not! Actually you just wait until you are having a bad day and feeling a little down, and then you clean them and life seems brighter! :-D Literally!