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Hello all,

I will keep my event wrap up brief as I will have to write lengthy ones for the overall event production.

First off, big thanks to Phil, Vinny, Clint, and Jay. I know going into this thing everyone was not really sure how it would work but I love when a plan comes together.

Second for the Brethren who stopped by or told people they knew to come by again thanks, events like this depend on people coming to make it a success. (this qualifies as a success)

And thanks for all of the posts on this thread for accolades, anyway we can bring BBQ to the world we need to.

I do events all over the world but I can honestly say this is one of the first ones where I actually enjoyed the content.

I will answer some of the posts in no order here, for the question about the show on VS network, Yes Chris and his partner John are planning season 3. John brought his Jedmaster to the event for our use so we spoke a lot about the production. Turns out they wanted to do a segment in that park in Manhattan but were turned down...I guess we have the magic touch. For the question(s) about nationwide network coverage, when dealing with major morning shows it works like when you invite that person to your house for BBQ and they basically commit unless they get something that is in their mind better to do. I know we made a lot of trade mags and all of the local networks. I also hired 2 video crews, 1 from the UK and one from NYC to come and document the event, I need to see what raw stuff we get out of it and most likely we will do a post on YouTube or something for all of the brethren. I may be able to get some DVD's made but let's see where that goes.

It was a long 3 days for me with very little sleep but The Brethren and the Chefs all did a great job of making me and my production staff look good. I have some pics we took the night before the event with the set lit up and it looks pretty cool. For anyone who wonders if Chris Lilly is really as laid back he seems on TV, the answer is NO, TV cannot reproduce how laid back and great this guy really is. I got the opportunity to hang with him and his brother Owen after we tore down until about 3 AM, listening to BBQ tails that you cannot imagine. He also told all of us at the event he is one his way to open his new restaurant in Monroe NC in 2 weeks.

To wrap this up, I really would like to Thank Kingsford for throwing down the big $$$ for this. After all none of this would be possible without major sponsorship money to help promote the sport. I hope they continue to throw money at things like this and the VS show so that guys like us can continue to be a part of one of the most exciting phenomenons in the country. So remember that when you complain about their product :)

Please let me know if you have any specific questions about the event, and I will be happy to get you the info.

I have made the mistake of forgetting to thank another person, Jeff in KC. HE first of all was the one who brought me to the group and he was instrumental in getting me hooked in with Jay for this event. So thanks brother.
For those of you who don't know Kevin, he is one hell of a nice guy. Met him at the last Midbest Bash and he gave me a ride all the way from Greg's house to my terminal at O'hare. Got to ride in his way cool Mini Cooper. I still owe ya Bro. Thanks again. Glad to hear that you were in charge of the gig. Really was a Brethren deal. Hope that we can get a DVD out of this.
I have a question.

How in the HELL do you fit into a mini????? I'm 6'3" and you tower above me! Maybe a sunroof?:biggrin:
Glad all went well!! I can tell you that I was more than a little concerned that Vinny had never cooked on a Spice Box until the day of!!:eek: Talk about Baptism by fire!!! I would have been really nervous. But then again Phil was there to hump Vinny's leg and I'm sure things went better from there.

Thanks again Kevin for putting my company in the spot light!!

Well, believe it or not the Mini has more leg room than most other cars on the road. You can't use the backseat but that just ensures you don't always have to be the designated driver :)

Jay, thanks for a really cool product, I have to Thank Jeff again for helping me to be familiar with the operation of your pits.
spicewine said:
Glad all went well!! I can tell you that I was more than a little concerned that Vinny had never cooked on a Spice Box until the day of!!:eek: Talk about Baptism by fire!!! I would have been really nervous. But then again Phil was there to hump Vinny's leg and I'm sure things went better from there.

Thanks again Kevin for putting my company in the spot light!!


Good deeds are few in this world my friend. But flourish among barbecue folk. Not that I need to tell you that.

I would like to wish a great thanks to all that made this happen. I've saved every pic.

And BTW, I'm not any of the famous Kevins. But I like the things that they have done.
Voodoo - I had no idea that John w/ the Jedmaster was the same guy who worked with Chris Lilly on the All Star BBQ Showdown !!!!

And to think Poobah and I were being the serious guys ... We could have shown our NY personalities to become future competitors on Season 3 !!!
There really was no lunch... We were eating from the BBQ we were cooking and I sampled a bit of the stuff that the Latin grilling chef Aaron Sanchez cooked ( marinated & grilled beef skewers)..

Phil brought all some Brethren goodies to put on the pit..Armadillo eggs, ABT's... there were some brats too..

Classic moment was Phil trying to get Chris to slow down for two minutes try some and explain what they were.. Chris liked it...
MilitantSquatter said:
There really was no lunch... We were eating from the BBQ we were cooking and I sampled a bit of the stuff that the Latin grilling chef Aaron Sanchez cooked ( marinated & grilled beef skewers)..

Phil brought all some Brethren goodies to put on the pit..Armadillo eggs, ABT's... there were some brats too..

Classic moment was Phil trying to get Chris to slow down for two minutes try some and explain what they were.. Chris liked it...
shake shack not open yet :smile:
Bigdog said:
Kevin, he is one hell of a nice guy. Met him at the last Midbest Bash and he gave me a ride all the way from Greg's house to my terminal at O'hare. Got to ride in his way cool Mini Cooper.

SmokeInDaEye said:
How in the HELL do you fit into a mini????? I'm 6'3" and you tower above me! Maybe a sunroof?:biggrin:

voodoobbqIL said:
Well, believe it or not the Mini has more leg room than most other cars on the road. You can't use the backseat but that just ensures you don't always have to be the designated driver :)

I'm assuming we are talking about a MINI (ONE) and not a Mini?

