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But it isn't midnight in Cal yet.

Mea culpa. He's right, and I apologize. The rules every year have been that you have until midnight your local time. So I'm jumping the gun.

Since I'll be up all night as usual, I'll wait until 6am EST, which will be midnight in Pago Pago, American Samoa time. They're the last ones to hit midnight, and that will make it official.

I'm sorry guys. My only excuse is that I'm still far from 100% after being ill for almost an entire year. My brain has been very foggy, and to tell the truth, I don't expect that fog to lift any time soon. :becky:
Tish, next year I think we should make your life easier and in the opening post say that the deadline is midnight EST. The thread is open for approximately a week so if someone wants to buy a subscription and be counted in, they have many days to do so. You are paying for the OTG out of your pocket to help drive Brethren memberships so I think the least we can give you is the ease of doing so in your time zone. It does say in the OP the winner would be announced on New Year's Day so we're good there.
Mea culpa. He's right, and I apologize. The rules every year have been that you have until midnight your local time. So I'm jumping the gun.

Since I'll be up all night as usual, I'll wait until 6am EST, which will be midnight in Pago Pago, American Samoa time. They're the last ones to hit midnight, and that will make it official.

I'm sorry guys. My only excuse is that I'm still far from 100% after being ill for almost an entire year. My brain has been very foggy, and to tell the truth, I don't expect that fog to lift any time soon. :becky:
We can wait, try to get some rest. Kathy seems to be on a tear, anyways.
Happy New Year all! And thanks to the sisters in smoke and the whole brethren and for this! I learned a ton about Q this year and its was due to the great folks here.

Cheers and all the best in 2015!