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All the contests I have judged this year the reps have mentioned that green kale is a legal garnish. The judges instructions are to let everyone judge the box first for appearance and then bring anything that might look illegal to the table captain's attention. The table captain will then call a rep over to decide on what to do. That way the box should be judged for appearance without impacting any of the judges scores. These instructions are on the judges CD played before every contest.
I turned in a kale box last weekend, it was fine. I used it for brisket, I liked the way it looked on the darker kale, as opposed to the lighter green of lettuce. My wife built it and she said it was a lot easier and quicker, than parsley or lettuce due to the stiffness of the kale. I didn't notice any off smell or anything. I would definitely use it again.
She made a row of florrets going up and down, then used a plastic knive(hers is pink) to hold it in place until she made another row until she filled the box. The wife did say she thought should could have done better but had never done one before so she wasnt sure how to size it right at first.

I am not practicing comp meats tonight but am smoking a batch of wings. We(she hates when I say we) made this box to see how it does overnight and then I will put my wings straight from smoker into the box just to see if off odors or flavors.

Couldn't see your box but beware the term florets as if too pronounced in appearance it may cause a look at the marking rule.
Couldn't see your box but beware the term florets as if too pronounced in appearance it may cause a look at the marking rule.

There's a big difference between making "rosettes" with meat and doing so with greens to fill your box. The only disqualification you can get with garnish is if you use something that is prohibited
That looks fantastic. If I can get that job done in 5 minutes per box, sign me up now! I've been doing the pain staking putting green because when I use home grown parsley, it looks amazing. I know, it shouldn't matter, but I can't help but try to make it the best possible.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it should be the table captain who determines if an unapproved garnish or foreign object is present in the box . . .

. . . The judges instructions are to let everyone judge the box first for appearance and then bring anything that might look illegal to the table captain's attention. The table captain will then call a rep over to decide on what to do . . .

Everyone scores for appearance then if there's ANY questions about legality the TC calls the Rep over. In a KCBS contest only the Rep makes that call, not the TC.
There were questions about my kale this weekend, as it was regular kale and not green leaf kale. Problem is, in Michigan, and in Wisconsin where we competed you can't buy 'green leaf kale'. It doesn't seem to be available. All that is on the shelves is just 'kale'. It is a darker leaf, almost with a slight aqua color. Is there truly a difference, and if so, is it a legal garnish? Because questions were raised before turn in's, the reps allowed it. It seemed that the teams they checked with using kale had the exact same stuff.