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Fat Freddy

is Blowin Smoke!
Dec 31, 2010
Albert City, Iowa
Name or Nickame
Just for chits today we decided to practice a box of Kale. We have never done it usually do the green leaf lettuce disks but again just for chits.

Anyways we posted it on our personal facebook just to show that we can do it and here is what we think of us trying it. There was a cbj, decent guy so no attack on him but he is a cbj that does occasionally judge in our area. And he made the comment that Kale is illegal. I did correct him and showed the KCBS rule, but to me this is what leads to concerns.

1) what if this judge would have been at a contest and judged a box with Kale, would there have been issues? How would it have affected this judges scores?
2) I am on the Brethren as well as on social media waaaaay to much so I as a cook and a judge know that Kale is legal, however did KCBS send anything out to let judges know of rule changes that goes against previous rules? If so I dont recall getting anything, but I could be wrong

I think, not attacking judges, but this is a major point for yearly "re-tests" or something. Judges spend money too, but us cooks spend several hundreds to thousands of dollars to try to win a little award or prize money and if "part time" judges are not aware of rule changes, that is a huge problem in my opinion.

Saying all that it makes me concerned to should I even risk it? I mean a couple dollars more in garnish just to avoid a judge not aware is probably the safest thing. I am going to stick with my current garnish but this just led me to doing some thinking and over analyzing.
Wow. this is exactly why I have yet to use Kale in a comp. I don't trust judges even know that Kale is now legal, not to mention being marked down on appearance for no good reason other than not knowing it's Kale in the box.
My first comp of the year I used kale. At the cooks meeting the KCBS reps did mention kale could be used for garnish. I would think it would be mentioned during the judges meeting. Preparing boxes was quick, think total time was 10-15 minutes. Next contest I probably use kale again, plus I only used three heads of kale.
My first comp of the year I used kale. At the cooks meeting the KCBS reps did mention kale could be used for garnish. I would think it would be mentioned during the judges meeting. Preparing boxes was quick, think total time was 10-15 minutes. Next contest I probably use kale again, plus I only used three heads of kale.

What was your appearance scores? I just picked up some kale to use in a comp this weekend and was wondering about how the judges felt about it.
The wife and I have judged twice so far this season. Both times it was pointed out by the reps in the judge's meeting that kale was a legal garnish starting this year but it had to be green kale. Evidently there is a purple kale also. The reps will make sure nobody burns for an illegal garnish.
We've used it in two contests so far (used lettuce in one). Several other southern teams have been using it (Booty Que has been posting pictures of his kale boxes, and I know of other current top twenty teams that have been using it). The few 8s in appearance I've received have been because of sloppy meat, not the garnish.

Our reps have also been on the ball about making sure that judges are aware that kale is a legal garnish.
Any good Rep is going to go over all rule & policy changes from last year in the judges meeting. If you are at a contest being Repped by somebody who doesn't do this, your looking at more problems than the kale rule.

For myself, I plan to use kale this year, though I haven't cooked a contest yet.
Have judged a couple of times this year where Kale was used. No issues at all !
And yes, the Reps did a fine job reviewing the rule changes during the judges meeting.

kcbs mcbj
There were several kale boxes at my first contest this year. I was expecting to see them and once noticed them, paid no more attention to garnish and finished scoring for appearance.
If a judge thought it were illegal they would then summon the rep and he would then re-explain the rule and thump the judge for not being current with the rules.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it should be the table captain who determines if an unapproved garnish or foreign object is present in the box. I know I'm taking a bit of an assumption here, but I can understand if a CBJ who does a few contests a year is unaware of the new garnish rules, however the table captains should be well aware of all KCBS rules and regulations in regards to what is/ is not allowed in the box.
QUAU won a GC using strictly kale last weekend. I know others using it and have not had any affect on their appearance scores. Kale works. Now if I could only figure out how guys are building kale boxes so quick and making it look good I'd switch.
QUAU won a GC using strictly kale last weekend. I know others using it and have not had any affect on their appearance scores. Kale works. Now if I could only figure out how guys are building kale boxes so quick and making it look good I'd switch.

Travis, look on my Facebook. Tracy said the box she made took exactly 5 minutes and 1 bunch of Kale. She had never made one before but she made little florettes.

My FB posting has gotten a few comments and while I wont speak for them, another member of the Brethren said he has run into something similar with judges that dont judge as much no knowing Kale is approved. His was a backyard tune up contest and I do understand and hope the reps are discussing it. And I would hope that if any questions a rep would be called over. I just think and thought it was interesting that some cbj's are unaware of the change in the rules. Whose fault is that? I dunno not mine but it just gives something to think about.
Travis, look on my Facebook. Tracy said the box she made took exactly 5 minutes and 1 bunch of Kale. She had never made one before but she made little florettes.

Do you have a link (or a real name to search for :biggrin1:) Id like to check it out, but we're not facebook friends.
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To anyone who has judged food coming off kale has there been an odour or off taste because of the kale? I know in previous discussions some people thought that might be an issue so looking for clarification now that judges have seen it out in the wild.
Got it...that really is a good looking box!

She made a row of florrets going up and down, then used a plastic knive(hers is pink) to hold it in place until she made another row until she filled the box. The wife did say she thought should could have done better but had never done one before so she wasnt sure how to size it right at first.

I am not practicing comp meats tonight but am smoking a batch of wings. We(she hates when I say we) made this box to see how it does overnight and then I will put my wings straight from smoker into the box just to see if off odors or flavors.
To anyone who has judged food coming off kale has there been an odour or off taste because of the kale? I know in previous discussions some people thought that might be an issue so looking for clarification now that judges have seen it out in the wild.
We had the same concerns prior to our first Kale entry. Was concerned that once heated, it would impact the taste and/or smell. So far, haven't noticed any negative aspects.
But... it is nice not having to pick greenery off the samples before tasting ;)
Reps are telling judges that kale is a legal garnish. Judges already know to get the rep over to the table if a rules infraction is suspected, and the reps I've observed in this situation are careful and fair, so I don't think there is any cause for alarm.

At the last event I judged, it was still overwhelmingly lettuce and parsley being used, but I believe my table did have one brisket entry over common green kale, at least I think it was, but I really didn't focus on the garnish. When you only have 5-10 seconds to judge for appearance you better be focused on the meat not the leaves.