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Knows what a fatty is.
Oct 18, 2013
Finally got the new SS2 from Kevin at Superior Smokers. Dude is a great person to do biz with. HAND DELIVERED. That is service.

The only thing I can say I did not figure out until a few hours - yea the guru has a dang damper thing on it. No wonder it did not want to climb up in temp. LOL. Finally got it seasoned, and tossed in some food.

Cooking on Royal Oak Lump (I am limited to my choices here in Lakeland, and my options are cowboy or this- long story)..And CHERRY chunks I bought from my wood connection.

Friends heard it was here and came by. 4 racks of ribs later.. They just showed up at random times.. No joke.

Wifey wanted meatloaf at 8pm, sure honey lets go.
Buddy brought me some wings and sausage (naked fatty) with his rack.
Even put the trimmings in a pan, why not.

Did I say I am STOKED about this thing. Its gangsta'.

Whoops forgot the pan for the grease. Oh well. Just canola.

The 1st cook.. Just missing beef.
the one thing I can say I am impressed with is the ability to lean on it and not get burnt. with a kid on the way I feel safe with it.

Not sure if I will keep it on the casters or permanently keep it on the back patio some where.

Oh yea - weed burners rock.
Very nice piece of Q-ing equipment.

PS-when my old dog gets excited she does the same thing.
Funny you say that.. I can yell at my dog and she pees herself.. BUT that is really just oil. LOL.
Awesome smoker. It seems that I see a lot of first time gravity smoker owners forget the grease pan on the first go around. Same goes for the damper on the Guru fan, that is a very common mistake for first time users, hehe.
Looks a lot like my Rebel 17.
You will love it:wink:
Congrats, it's a great smoker. And do what EverettBBQ suggested. I always double layer foil the drip pan for easy cleanup!
That sure looks familiar! It is great that it doesn't get hot on the outside...except the 6" above the fire grate. Watch out for that area with little ones!
Will have to do the foil thing next go round..

Interesting to see how different meats performed. some of these were far overcooked, yet still had high moisture content, some just right.
