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So back at the ranch....

Looks good.... keep in mind I finish my briskets in paper grocery sacks. :)
First time I really had pork belly that wasn't bacon was camping in the Czech Republic. They just opened a package of belly, but it into squares, put it on sticks and roasted it over a fire. It was fabulous. I've since had it seasoned with spices, but I think after a couple days in the cure would be even better.

I'm gonna Butt some Belly into squares and roast it over a fire! Some cured, some just spiced, and some plain Nekked!

If you're cooking at 250-300 anyway, I like this for about 3 lb (but note it is not a true cure so keep it in the fridge and cook 250 or above):
soy sauce to cover, ginger and garlic, red chili, 1 cup cream sherry, black pepper

Put all in bag or dish in the refrigerator 3-4 days.

Smoke until done to your liking. Put about 1/2 to 1 lb in a rice cooker when cooking rice for your family.

Stir fry some veggies to go with it, but go light on the salt.

The Chinese couple that lived in my neighborhood when I was growing up made a much less safe version of this--it involved hanging strips of belly on a clothesline in the fall.

This is almost as good, but without the risk.
You clearly stated that this guide is for idiots. If someone want to follow an idiots guide so be it.

No I clearly stated it was an idiot's guide. I left it completely ambiguous who the idiot was. I believe that has been answered. Of course, those of you who know me, knew the answer to start, or at least read my signature. :becky:

So back at the ranch....

Looks good.... keep in mind I finish my briskets in paper grocery sacks. :)

But you are a farmer. You probably eat food right off the plant without washing and sterilizing it first too.

I'm gonna Butt some Belly into squares and roast it over a fire! Some cured, some just spiced, and some plain Nekked!


Great! I prefer it cured in the smoker, but my wife liked it nekked from the campfire. It's a completely different taste. Have fun and report back.
If you're cooking at 250-300 anyway, I like this for about 3 lb (but note it is not a true cure so keep it in the fridge and cook 250 or above):
soy sauce to cover, ginger and garlic, red chili, 1 cup cream sherry, black pepper

Put all in bag or dish in the refrigerator 3-4 days.

Smoke until done to your liking. Put about 1/2 to 1 lb in a rice cooker when cooking rice for your family.

Stir fry some veggies to go with it, but go light on the salt.

The Chinese couple that lived in my neighborhood when I was growing up made a much less safe version of this--it involved hanging strips of belly on a clothesline in the fall.

This is almost as good, but without the risk.

Yes, that sounds fabulous. I was hoping to go for some Chinese and then maybe a Thai dish next. Then when I'm all done, I can use the clothesline to floss.
Man, that loos great. I need to try this!

i keep looking for the 'not helpful' button to apply to at least one or 2 of the posts in this thread...
this is too deep for me so who is the idiot?

Ask your wife. I'm sure she knows. I know mine does. :laugh:

Gore, thanks for a most excellent tutorial!

Glad you enjoyed it.

My wife called me one just before:doh:

... and you probably didn't even need to ask.

Man, that loos great. I need to try this!

i keep looking for the 'not helpful' button to apply to at least one or 2 of the posts in this thread...

I wouldn't say they were not helpful. I think it was just misunderstood. If I was doing this as a traditional cure, it would have been helpful. Also it was pointed out that I did NOT include the weight of the belly, and I think that is very important.

Incidentally, we used to have a 'not helpful' button. I believe I received a record number of 'not helpful' posts, and it has since been removed. Some people break the internet. I break the 'not helpful' buttons. :doh: I actually miss it. I wish they would have one again, but maybe just for me.
Whenever I make bacon, I always save a bit in slab form. When I'm smoking a brisket or a but or something I'll cut some of the slab bacon into good sized cubes and throw it in the smoker. As it gets close to being done I'll glaze it wtih a cane syrup/creole mustard sauce...good stuff.
Incidentally, we used to have a 'not helpful' button. I believe I received a record number of 'not helpful' posts, and it has since been removed. Some people break the internet. I break the 'not helpful' buttons. :doh: I actually miss it. I wish they would have one again, but maybe just for me.

I thought you invented the internet? :confused:
Whenever I make bacon, I always save a bit in slab form. When I'm smoking a brisket or a butt or something I'll cut some of the slab bacon into good sized cubes and throw it in the smoker. As it gets close to being done I'll glaze it wtih a cane syrup/creole mustard sauce...good stuff.

Yeah, this still has residual brown sugar from the so-called curing process, and I know what you mean. Good stuff doesn't begin to describe it.

I thought you invented the internet? :confused:

Thank you, Moose for recognizing this. All you farkers owe me. :mmph:
Yeah, this still has residual brown sugar from the so-called curing process, and I know what you mean. Good stuff doesn't begin to describe it.

Thank you, Moose for recognizing this. All you farkers owe me. :mmph:

I think you could parlay this into a new series - "The Idiot's Guide to...". The possibilities are endless, Gore. "Boiling vs Foiling Ribs" would be a great next installment. :thumb:

Of course, you'll probably have to hire a personal injury defense attorney from all the wrongful death lawsuits you'd get. :evil:
I think you could parlay this into a new series - "The Idiot's Guide to...". The possibilities are endless, Gore. "Boiling vs Foiling Ribs" would be a great next installment. :thumb:

Of course, you'll probably have to hire a personal injury defense attorney from all the wrongful death lawsuits you'd get. :evil:

I kind of like that idea, sort of a "Death by BBQ" theme. :thumb:
I think you could parlay this into a new series - "The Idiot's Guide to...". The possibilities are endless, Gore. "Boiling vs Foiling Ribs" would be a great next installment. :thumb:

Of course, you'll probably have to hire a personal injury defense attorney from all the wrongful death lawsuits you'd get. :evil:

"boiling vs. foiling"? Do we really have to pick just one? :noidea:
"boiling vs. foiling"? Do we really have to pick just one? :noidea:


Oh yeah, I like where this is going. :hungry:
I was thinking more on the lines of doing them at the same time. The question is in which order. I can imagine
1. Foiling the ribs with liquid smoke and BBQ sauce and then dropping the foiled ribs in the boiling water; or
2. Putting the ribs in boiling water with liquid smoke and other delicious ingredients and then wrapping the pot in aluminum foil.

I think the first method is preferred, since in the second method the liquid smoke might be too diluted by the water and I also might burn my hands while trying to wrap the pot. There might be other benefits of the second method that I have overlooked that could make me change my mind. I am a bit concerned that the botulum may not survive either method.
I guess if one is going to do both, I would start with boiling, then put the ribs in foil. 1B + 1F = perfection.


I was thinking more on the lines of doing them at the same time. The question is in which order. I can imagine
1. Foiling the ribs with liquid smoke and BBQ sauce and then dropping the foiled ribs in the boiling water; or
2. Putting the ribs in boiling water with liquid smoke and other delicious ingredients and then wrapping the pot in aluminum foil.

I think the first method is preferred, since in the second method the liquid smoke might be too diluted by the water and I also might burn my hands while trying to wrap the pot. There might be other benefits of the second method that I have overlooked that could make me change my mind. I am a bit concerned that the botulum may not survive either method.

Just stop right now. We all know this has been covered, and the answers can easily be found here.