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Knows what a fatty is.
May 15, 2021
Syracuse NY
Name or Nickame
Did a cook Friday, and one yesterday…and was going to do one today, but the weather got in the way. I will definitely be doing a cook next weekend, but that seemed a bit too long to leave the hopper full, so I emptied it.

I’m sure it varies with relative humidity and such, but is there a general rule of thumb?
The only time my Rec Tec's hopper has been empty in the past 8 years was right after assembly. The Weber's has been emptied to do troubleshooting with their support, but it otherwise has pellets in it, too.
havent change mine in over 2 years. just add a new bag when it gets low. I'm bad about cleaning too. I use it mostly for short cooks but at least once a week and only clean it 4 or 5 times a year
I dont smoke as often as I'd like (1x every month or two) and my hopper is never emptied. I have a cover on my smoker and put a tarp over that (to protect the expensive cover lol) and have never had an issue.
Never remove mine. I just try to anticipate how much I’m gonna use and add accordingly.

I just filled my Mak 2 hopper with about 15# for a short cook but I’ll be cooking over the next few weeks and will probably have to add more.

My little portable pellet grill stays out of the elements and I do the same. I never empty it and sometimes a few pounds of pellets will sit in the hopper over the winter.
Never remove them. Add a new 20lb. bag to the hopper when it gets low. No issues during hot humid summers or below zero winters. Just make sure they don't get wet, then you'll have pellet-crete. Almost as hard as concrete.
Unless you’re going to leave it for weeks, you’re probably OK. I have been cooking on pellet grills for a good decade and have never drained a hopper. However, I’ve never gone more than a couple weeks without firing mine up.
Just make sure they don't get wet, then you'll have pellet-crete. Almost as hard as concrete.

Yes, this. The only reason I upgraded my smoker, was that I had a leak that would get to the hopper. In hindsight, I should have just bought flex-seal.
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Did a cook Friday, and one yesterday…and was going to do one today, but the weather got in the way. I will definitely be doing a cook next weekend, but that seemed a bit too long to leave the hopper full, so I emptied it.

I’m sure it varies with relative humidity and such, but is there a general rule of thumb?

I live in the Midwest, right on the Mississippi River, so I see extreme cold winters and hot humid summers and I have never emptied my hopper. I've never had an issue with the pellets. Smoker stays out side on the deck. I do put it'scover on most of the time when I'm finished, but not always.