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Vince B

is one Smokin' Farker
Nov 15, 2009
Bloomingdale Illinois
Hey guys I'm making a 7.25 rib roast and a 12.25 fresh BB turkey on today. I'm doing both using recipe's from the site here. The turkey using this method and the rib roast using this method.

While doing some research I found that with the two pieces on the 18WSM will actually cook at the same temp. Also I think that the time of the two will be very close to the same. The rib roast on the wsm will be a first and I am really excited to say the least!

I planned on cooking with a mix of lump and blue bag K @ 350*. Not sure on the wood type yet. I do have some hickory chunks, apple chips, cherry chips, maple chips and some Jack Daniels whiskey barrel oak chips. Not sure how chips will do in this type of cook and for the life of me I can not find chunks of the fruit woods here in the Chicago area. I guess I could do the foiled balls with chips in them.

My questions are what type of wood would be best?

Will it be ok to do both of these at the same time and which do I put on top and bottom? I was thinking turkey on the bottom with clay saucer in the pan foiled and the standing rib roast on top with the bones attached/tied.

Do you think they will cook well together and will I have any issues trying to start both at the same time?

Do I need to take the turkey and the roast and let them get up to room temp or just toss them on? I think in the past I let the rib roast sit out for a couple hours before it went into the oven.

Tuesday night I brined the cook and then the turkey so that part is done. Last night we worked on getting the sides ready so I will just have to reheat them and then put then in the oven to stay warm until we are ready to eat. I plan on letting the two cuts rest for 20 minutes or so before carving and I have plenty of predinner snacks for quests to eat while I get everything ready.

What are your thoughts? Anything you would change? Ideas? All feed back is welcomed and very much appreciated. Thank you very much and have a great holiday. Vince

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Personally, I'd use a mix of hickory and cherry wood for the smoke. The rib roast would go on top and I think it's gonna be done before your turkey. I take my rib roasts to 130* internal and then wrap them in foil and place them in a prewarmed cooler with a bunch of towels to rest.
Good Luck with your Cook...
No expert here. But I was told fruit wood for the bird. Others will be to strong. Don't know anything about the roast. sorry.. Also I think the colder the meat is when it's put on the cooker the more smoke flavor you will get. And again I am by no means an expert. Good luck...
I think you are doing fin in your planning so far. For wood, I would do a blend of Apple and Cherry. Put the turkey on bottom and the Roast on top. You shoudl have no problem putting them on straight out of the fridge.
Thanks guys for the quick replies. I was advised to put the roast in a foil pan so the beef juices do not get on the turkey. What are your thoughts?
Personally, I'd use a mix of hickory and cherry wood for the smoke. The rib roast would go on top and I think it's gonna be done before your turkey. I take my rib roasts to 130* internal and then wrap them in foil and place them in a prewarmed cooler with a bunch of towels to rest.
Good Luck with your Cook...

I think you are doing fin in your planning so far. For wood, I would do a blend of Apple and Cherry. Put the turkey on bottom and the Roast on top. You shoudl have no problem putting them on straight out of the fridge.

I like both of these guy's plans, but would go light on the hickory.

Thanks guys for the quick replies. I was advised to put the roast in a foil pan so the beef juices do not get on the turkey. What are your thoughts?

That would be a good move.
No matter what you are cooking that includes poultry, put the poultry on the bottom, you dont want the poultry juices dripping down onto other items you are cooking.
In regards to wood, you can never go wrong with fruit woods, like others have said, mix them up, I usually do half apple, half cherry.

Good luck
I would place the roast on a rack and then put in the pan. Cherry, Apple combo would be great. I am going to try iceing the breast for 20 min. before going on cooker today for the turkey. Good Luck!
I would place the roast on a rack and then put in the pan. Cherry, Apple combo would be great. I am going to try iceing the breast for 20 min. before going on cooker today for the turkey. Good Luck!

Won't the bones act as a rack or do I need another one? This is my first rib roast on the wsm and I truely appreciate the fast replies from you guys. I think I found a new home here!
Do you think they will cook well together and will I have any issues trying to start both at the same time?

It will drop the temps with that much meat on a small smoker. Look for that. Unless you can offset them from each other the beef drippings will hit the bird and could do funny things with skin.

Do I need to take the turkey and the roast and let them get up to room temp or just toss them on? I think in the past I let the rib roast sit out for a couple hours before it went into the oven.

If you want a bigger difference between well done and rare then put it on cold. The center will cook slower and the outside going in will be a little warmer. Letting it get up to 50 F or so will allow the entire roast to be closer to the same temp. I love rare beef and will be doing mine sitting out so it's closer to 122 all the way to the sides.
Thanks Ford. I plan on letting the roast sit out for about 2 hours so I think it will have a nice even cook. I have done this before when using my Gasser and my kitchen stove. Works well.

As for starting them at the same time. I think I will raise the temps a bit higher than my desired cooking temp anticipating the drop when the meat goes on. From there I think I should be able to make adjustments to keep the temp at 325-350*. I have done a bunch of cooks with this wsm just not one with a rib roast/turkey combo.

Thanks guys and keep the ideas coming. I'm starting the wsm in a few hours so I have time to adjust if needed. Vince B
Good luck, Vince! It sounds like you have a plan! I agree with putting the rib roast on top in a pan. I would put it in a rack so you can add some liquid to the pan to make some au jus if you want to. Actually, if it will fit you can do the same for the turkey.

I also agree with a mix of apple and cherry. A little hickory or even oak wouldn't be bad, but go light since they could be too strong on the turkey.

When you go to get things set up and if it looks like it won't work, I'm not too far from you in Batavia and I have a WSM that will be sitting idle today. You're welcome to borrow it. I'll PM my cell number just in case. It never hurts to have a backup plan :-D
Thanks for the offer Ron. I have to say you guys are a great group over here. I went and got a tin foil pan for the roast. Also a cheesy cookie wire rack for the roast from Jewel. With a bit of my polish engineering the rack fits in the pan and I supported the center with smaller pan crumbled up! For a good laugh check it out.
