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I Pheel I'm overdue Phor picanha, most likely because I'm overdue Phor picanha. So I'm gonna cook some Pharkin picanha. Gonna Phry some wings as well. I usually grill them but I'm aPhraid the picanha won't make me Phat enough.

Happy Phriday and weekend to Phu and crew and all y'all Pharkers!
Picanha sounds great Greg! :grin:

I'm leaning toward this..


Have a great weekend Phu and Brethren!
Paging Dr Phu and all the merry band of smoke breathing ember heads!!! Just scraping tonight but have plans tomorrow evening for guest coming over. Baking costco chilean sea bass on the weber vortex. Will also sautée fresh market scallops in my faithful CI big skillet to pour over said bass, then bacon dripping wilted salad. I Am dealing with 13 month old covid taste syndrome. Bacon, beef, dark meat chicken all smell/taste HORRIBLE......Hope something breaks......this didn’t come from a damn bat.....JMHO. Peace all you dudes and dudette.....enjoy the game sunday cause their d*** sure isn’t any music.
Ribs and chicken on Sunday. Appetizers are jalapeño poppers, queso, 7 layer dip, bacon wrapped weiners, veggies, and of course chips. Sides are baked beans, macaroni salad and potato salad. Dessert is homemade ice cream and Girl Scout cookies. I’m going to have to wear pants with an expandable waist… :p

I’m more excited about the food than the game, but go rams!
Kinda at a loss.I ain’t putting good chili on good pasta! I might make a batch of Chili and some smoked Mc-n- cheese.I can live with that.Supposed to be pretty cool here.70 today.35 tomorrow ,40’s Sunday.Maybe some appetizers.Brisket fajitas tonight.Saturday,no idea.Not going out on Valentines weekend though even if I have to eat cheese and crackers.