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Breaking in the new MAK this weekend. Planning on spatchcocked chicken, Mexican chuck roast, and a Duroc butt. I've been craving a good burger too, so trying to figure out if I can get that squeezed in somewhere.

And my first order from SouthSide Market is supposed to show up today, so that could change everything. Anxious to try authentic Texas hot guts.
Bargain bin weekend. Bone in 1# rib eye. Meaty beef back ribs. Wings and OldBayoMayo thighs (full price chicken as I don’t do bargain bin bird).
Weather is supposed to be perfect upper 70’s freshening breeze-for cooking out. Snow Monday
Lots of folks sure are eating well this weekend!

I'm joining the bargain bin crowd with a choice bone-in ribeye, baked 'tater, and salad for Friday night.

No idea about tomorrow, but I might need to hit up the El Super Meximart for some carne asada or something.

Sunday, I'm planning chicken gyros/chicken schwarma on the rotisserie... mainly the wrap option with feta, onion, tomato, a little lettuce, and tatziki.

Y'all please stay safe and keep the thin blue rolling as best you can.
Wagyu tritip. As far as I’m concerned, there is nothing better.

It will sit under salt for 8 hours in the fridge. I’m planning on a Reverse sear method gaining smoke on the GMG DB with Lumberjack Hickory pellets to 110. Then, hard sear all sides and edges in cast iron or carbon steel on the gasser which is wicked hot. I’ll use bacon grease in the pan depending on the extent of marbelling. If it looks lean, I love the OG central coast rub, Pappys. If it’s marbelled, it will stand naked and proud.