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Thorium marinated boneless chuck short ribs... :hungry:

I'm guessing you have that periodically?

I'm having whatever Phu's having. :hungry:

Saturday will be my Phirst rotisserie whole lamb and Sunday Phirst rotis whole piggy. We'll see how that goes. :shocked:

All y'all Pharkers have a great weekend and looking Phorward to eating and partying with my Brethren and Sistren the next Phew days! :whoo:

Anybody in the SoCal area seeing this and wanna come - PM me for the address - we're gonna be having a great time!
Green chili bacon cheeseburgers on the grill tonight. Early to bed tomorrow for a big cook for a bunch of folks starting about 01:00 Sunday. 3 packer briskets, 3 shoulders, ten racks of pork spares and four dozen drumsticks. I'm bushed already!

Have a swell Labor Day weekend everyone!
2" thick New York, reverse seared, sliced for finger food tonight; of course it's got a good marinade of Thorium and topped with some awesome Carne Crosta! :shock:
Sat is a trip to TJ's and Sushi in town and then Sunday/funday is going to be an 18 lb packer! Happy Labor Day to all and be safe out there!
Happy Three Day Weekend to all...

Have some beef tenderloin chunks I am going to grill today with some potatoes and carrots. Not sure what will go on Sunday, we'll see tomorrow what HEB has. Three butts Monday for poker potluck and to restock my freezer supply.
Happy Phriday Phu and Pharkers! I have two racks of Non-enhanced ribs going on the smoker tomorrow with a 10lb brisket! Getting tired of the smithfields enhanced ribs because that's all I can buy around here. Found a source for natural non-enhanced ribs so I'm hoping that will allow me to enjoy ribs again!
I'm treating myself to some seafood I'm having shipped in. Tonight it's scallops and lobster, the lobster meat will be used for a pizza I'm making on Saturday. If the wind cooperates it'll be full spares on Sunday or Monday.