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but, seriously folks...

this was an excellent event with great people, teams, and activities. the organizer spent alot of money both on the venue and the competitors. no joke.

we only kid because the scoring and results got a bit screwy.

although, i do beleive, there is no doubt the winner did in fact have the best peoples choice food that day.
i take anything negative i said 100% back.

these guys are 100% commited to providing good food to people by good teams.

i'm in for 2012.
Yes indeed! I confirmed my participation. Paul Simon is performing that night though I may be a little tired after serving *gasp* 750+ people. My final contest before the move down south. Can't wait!
I was thinking about coming down to check this out, So who all would let me stop by and see what competition is all about? Very interested in giving it a try, but would like to see how things go before I just show up to cook. Thanks
i'm not 100% sure but i believe you need to be a greenwich resident to buy a ticket and get in.

it'll also be quite different than your standard KCBS competition.
i'm not 100% sure but i believe you need to be a greenwich resident to buy a ticket and get in.

it'll also be quite different than your standard KCBS competition.

They lifted the resident restriction but unfortunately three event is already sold out