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Back To The Spritz...

Think about it. What liquid does Franklin have that many just toss? Pickle juice or course! Why not blend 50/50 Worcestershire and pickle juice? It's sour like vinegar. What do some of you pro Brisket Spritzers think about that?:idea: Uh Oh! I just let the cat out of the bag...
........a thought

Remember this. Franklin isn't there as much...... Popular guy, and getting alot of attention. That he earned. Kudos to him. Mucho kudos !!

The prime brisket speaks for itself along with a cooking method that is well documented. The spritz is explained by one of the many helpers in the video.

Point being,.... the success continues without his hands on it. So,.... it's no mystery. It's great beef, sweat, well seasoned wood, a good method, and unicorn tears. :nerd:

You can do it !!!! :clap2: It's just a hunk o beef ! (pricey beef,..... but,... doesn't everybody know by now that better in means better out? )

Mystery solved. Let's go Watson.
Llano Texas must go place

Back to the bbq crawl list. Sounds like a great trip. Someone mentioned coopers in llano. Excellent pit q. But across the street is an old favorite of mine. It's called Inmans market. Smoked turkey sausage , local made longhorn cheese ,& homemade white bread. You just have to experience that. Enough said !!!!
I have seen worstershire as well. Also thought I heard something about apple cider vinegar.

I haven't had it yet, but I am pretty positive that it has everything to do with the meat he uses!

there is a recent Franklin youtube vid in which the dude is spraying briskets with ACV
From his interview:

"We are paying 5 bucks a pound. Say it weighs 15 pounds. By the time it’s cooked, it’ll yield 5 pounds, after trim and cook down weight. We have about 44 man hours involved in every brisket, from trimming, to rubbing, to cooking, to resting, just to get it ready for lunch. When you factor in the cost of having someone there around the clock, and then you factor in the crazy expensive cost of black pepper, and then you factor in the amount of firewood we are going through, it’s pretty expensive. Brisket is at a 68 percent food cost right now, and a normal restaurant would be working in the 25 to 30 percent range. But we don’t do it to make money, if you’re making barbecue to make money, it’s probably not going to be very good."
........a thought

Remember this. Franklin isn't there as much...... Popular guy, and getting alot of attention. That he earned. Kudos to him. Mucho kudos !!

The prime brisket speaks for itself along with a cooking method that is well documented. The spritz is explained by one of the many helpers in the video.

Point being,.... the success continues without his hands on it. So,.... it's no mystery. It's great beef, sweat, well seasoned wood, a good method, and unicorn tears. :nerd:

You can do it !!!! :clap2: It's just a hunk o beef ! (pricey beef,..... but,... doesn't everybody know by now that better in means better out? )

Mystery solved. Let's go Watson.

Not to beat a dead horse or get into some huge debate, but let's remember what organic means --- it means that something is carbon-based living matter. All the meat you've ever eaten in your entire life was and still is organic (unless you eat extraterrestrials? :p). I think the term you're looking for is antibiotic-free, or maybe perhaps all-grass-fed, etc.

Sorry, that's one of my pet peaves ---- nowadays the word organic is used to describe pretty much all kinds of situations that have nothing to do with the actual meaning of the word.

Organic? That's how I prefer 100% of my food. Cheers!

I sorry to tell you this is not true. Yes in a chemistry sense your right. In a USDA sense you're completely wrong.
I'm personally of the opinion there are no secrets. He does this day in and day out. He knows his cooker. He knows his wood sources. He knows is meat. The rest is pure experience and art.

Check out the video on Snow BBQ. I'll find and post that as well.
And here you go fellas. As I said I too am a believer that it's KISS plus experience and of course great quality products.

or at least just read before posting so that you don't look stupid.

Or look like I'm typing on my smartphone with autocorrect on a moving bus. If you understood the message then there is nothing wrong with the post. If you're going to read into my intelligence level from that when I've provided you with facts that's your issue to contend with.
I just finished a 5 day central Texas BBQ Crawl (I will do a separate post with plenty of pictures in the next couple of days) and on day 2 we ate at Franklin BBQ in Austin. . The meat is insanely moist and it is far and away the best BBQ I've ever had. I've spent most of the trip trying to figure out the spritz he is using. I've heard he has used pickle juice, but I was wondering if maybe their might be some clarified butter in it perhaps? It also had a lemon/citrus undertone. Has anyone used clarified butter in a spritz? I would think if most of the fat was removed it wouldn't congeal when not in use. Anybody got any ideas on it?

Not sure you got a grasp on clarified butter. I apologize if this has been addressed I did not read the whole thread.

Clarification removes milk solids and water from the butter fat which is a solid when cooled.
I will also say that's been mentioned above, it's gotta be choice of meat because so many including myself have tried all the salt n peppa thing cooking at whatever temp wrapping in paper using post oak or some type of oak pull when you think it feels right and rest, and then either THAT WAS THE BEST EVER or hmmmm it was good, been there plenty of times. The cool thing is his pitmasters, Frankiln isn't there for everyday serving so to put out something that getting worldwide recognition is amazing and the wife and I are going to do a crawl probably next week, I don't wanna go unless he's gonna be there so I will call for sure and reschedule is need be, don't really wanna wait in line but just gotta see what all the hype is about! It's just a hunk of beef lol.

Carry on