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Joey, the organizer is meeting with park officials on Tuesday afternoon in brooklyn.

I set up a meeting afterwards but havent set a place yet.... anyone now if he can make to willys in about 30 miniutes form floyd bennet field? ? I dont know of anyplaces further west and i wont be availble until 7, dont want him to have to wait to long , or to drive further than that. by the time hes done, he should be at then tail end of rush hour.

so for anyone who want to attend, Tuesday night is the night. willys woiuld be best so he can be there to take dont the order and chime in on whats feasible.

Probably 40 min.

I'll be there. Do we have a large grill available? Should I check with Taylor rental, etc. for a donated big grill?
large marge has a grill up in the front. if u can get taylor to donate a rental, that be great.
meetings cancelled.. Joey got hung up and had to head back early.. will keep ya posted.
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