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OK guys, there is an update. Poobah and I have been talking and they continue. There are closer to 200 people to feed saturday night. Final approvals on use of equipment, etc are going through. while we have been given special dispensations in the past, it is anticipated that this wil go through So keep your eye's peeled.

As an aside...I do have some bad news. this is a park system, I believe national, so alcohol will not be allowed...ummmm, beer, uh, no drinking....uh yup...... S
Thing is, do they check on the way in or during the stay - patrols?
Opening coolers, checking cups, etc.

Has anyone been there before? Not that we are a bunch of drunks (doh!) but a w/e in the sun, cooking and sweating on tarmac without a cold one at hand is too much.
Planning for this one will begin shortly after the DrBBQ class is over and I go get my damn trailer!!!
Now that the class with Dr. BBQ is over and Phil is back with his new trailer, I propose we locals get together soon to finalize the plans, timing, equipment, provisions, strategies,task assignments etc. etc.
Hooters, Willie B's wherever, whenever?
Let's try and get together.
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