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Full Fledged Farker
Feb 21, 2014
Marinated in Moores marinade for about an hour then hit it with some Montreal Steak seasoning...
RecTec ready to go using hickory pellets...

Let the Tri-Tip go for about 40 minutes until the IT was 120F...

While the RecTec was doing its thing I had some Royal Oak lump getting ready on the kettle for a reverse sear, about 2 minutes per side and the IT was 145F.

Sliced. Look at that juiciness!!!!

This was my first one and I was very happy with how it turned out. Tri-Tip isnt very popular around these parts but Walmart just started carrying them. Thanks to the brethren and sisteren for their inspiration! (Sorry for the lousy pics but my computer is down and my iPhone is the only way to post right now) Thanks for looking!
Winner! Bet the Tri-Tips don't last long in your Walmart...
Its funny you mention that because I asked for one a week ago ( they just had a couple the week before) and the guy stocking the meat was like sorry but never heard of those before and I don't believe we carry them. So went in yesterday and they had put more out :doh:
Nicely done! And, thanks for mentioning that they had tri tip at Wally's. It's not a common cut of meat here either...I'll be stopping by next week to check stock!

Very nice job. Tri-Tip is slowly becoming my favorite meat. You can slice it thick like you did and plate it for a nice meal, and then slice the leftovers (if there are any :mrgreen:) thin and they make great sandwiches on a crusty roll. Add some Au Jus and you have a French Dip...

Man I am hungry now...:doh: