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I've seen this done but never had the guts to try it myself. Won't there be a ton of ash all over the surface of the meat? Can't help but think it's like eating dirt.
I've seen/heard/read reviews of this method with mixed reactions. Some claim the meat suffocates the coals so it's not as good at searing as traditional wood/coal grilling. Others complained about the ash and debris inevitably left behind on the final product.

I'd be willing to try it with a lesser cut. Maybe.
One alternative to placing the meat directly on the coals would be to cook it over a full chimney starter filled with hot lump, or a more spacious small grill like a WGA also filled with hot lump. I think you'd get a much better crust, with a much cleaner result as well.
Not sure about this technique but sure looks fun to try. FYI - Found these at the meat counter at my local Sam's Club...


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Even the article recommends lump charcoal.
I would think briquettes would "dirty up" the meat a lot more.

I first saw Alton Brown use this method years ago. Yes briquettes will dirty the meat. A lot more. DAMHIK.:icon_shy

That being said I wasn't thrilled with the results from lump either.
I've inadvertently dropped food into the fire pit while camping and tried to pull it off as "caveman style".
Friends won't fall for it. They say "Even cavemen had sense enough to put meat on a stick." :laugh:
I've not tried it either but found it interesting. When we used to go camping in Arkansas we would have good cuts and do Steak on a Stick. Everyone would cut a limb with a 2 pronged fork, shave the bark off and prop it over the campfire with rocks. Great steak and close enough to caveman for me although it maybe fun to try after reading the article below the video.