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It all looks amazing, great post.
Thanks Bill...something a little bit different than the norm which is what I like.

omg that looks amazing. i was going to cobble together my own version of this cooker with a smaller drum i have - i think my wife talked me into getting a full 55 gallon & doing it right.

that's some nice looking grub there.

Thanks Uker! Very good to hear you're making one. You know the saying go big or go home! I'd like a smaller one and an 85 gallon I think.
Looks good. I've been tempted on getting some chuck roast. With you doing this one and a chuck a while back might have to get it soon. Nice cook.
this was a great thread...until the super hillbilly comment...sigh...oh well..least the food looks good! lol
super hillbilly?

Looks good. I've been tempted on getting some chuck roast. With you doing this one and a chuck a while back might have to get it soon. Nice cook.
This shoulder is a tough cut of beef but very flavorful when taking it to pulling.