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Here's my entry!

Some left winged commie pinko tree hugger douche bag probably decided way back when "You know what I hate having free time to myself so let's all work all the farking time and have as little time as possible to do fun things." Wow great idea! Why the fark would they do something stupid like that anyway? Here I am thousands of years later trying to find time to take care of the house, pay bills, work and find time to do important things like make a kick arse entry for this throwdown! But no "The Man" says I need to be working late taking care of business when there is meat that needs grilling. Fark! I don't even have any foil hat rub to make it all better because "The Man" doesn't sell these magical ingredients that are in it close to me. I ran out of magic bean stalk beans a long time ago! Well maybe a miracle will happen and I'll wake up rich or at least wake up with a fridge full of nice ingredients ready to hit a hot grill. Now back to work before "The Man" comes in and changes my schedule to 10 workdays a week and gives me a 30 minute weekend! FARK!
Throw a cute kid in there and you've got a contender. :shocked:

For those of us (maybe it's just me) without kids, are there any bonus points for acquiring said little ones without facing any criminal charges?

So out of curiosity...are there any bonus points to be awarded if the entry is either cooked in or presented in a mailbox, preferably one that's been blown apart? :p

Oooooh, UMS or even a UBAMS. Although, I do have to wonder about the fuel usage on a UBAMS. Seems it might have a few air leaks.
So out of curiosity...are there any bonus points to be awarded if the entry is either cooked in or presented in a mailbox, preferably one that's been blown apart? :p

For those of us (maybe it's just me) without kids, are there any bonus points for acquiring said little ones without facing any criminal charges?

Bigabyte is in charge of awarding extra points. I would have no objection if he sweetens the pot for you, but it's up to him.

What?!? So I lose points by posting tomorrow or Sunday?


Those are the rules, and that weekend deduction may come in handy for those hoping for an elusive zero. :becky:
Habanero Death Squad Right Wings

Ok, here's my feeble attempt at cooking like a Bigabyte.
The Right Wings happily sitting in their deadly marinade.


After 3 days of suffering in the deadly dust concoction they were removed and tortured with even more Death Dust.

Now they were ready to be grilled Guantanamo Bay style.


Interrogation finally ended and foiled for proper reception...


Further indoctrination insued by the proper elements.


Mind altering substances were involved.


With heated reinforcement.


After indoctrination. And Colonel Squirrel was overseeing the entire indoctrination.


I think he was quite satisfied with the final outcome.


You can see now that they are all Right Wingers as they are marching clockwise and in an organized formation, green removed because right wings don't believe in green...face it, when have you ever seen left wingers oranized like that?:becky: Please note the fine Bigabyte china!


Last pic is for the TD Chris, sorry but right wings just look better with a little green...

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That looks great. I am definitely craving some spicy chicken now.

FWIW though, you may want to check your ranks. It appears you have infiltrated by a couple left wings too :shocked: