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Re: RE: Re: RE: peppers

tommykendall said:
I noticed Phil corring them (with the apple correr) while watching the web cam, What do you use to core them with TK?

I cut the tops off then core them with a carrot/potato peeler, using the out edge of the peeler to scrape around the inner edge of the pepper. The long narrow design of these things scrape the entire inner edge and the narrow round botton gets the seeds/membrane out form the tip of the pepper.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: peppers

I dont fark with Jalepenos, never have, too much work and inconsistent results.

No on ate them this weekend. Won't go into that.

I like stuffing Poblano's. Some are mild, some are really hot. Anyone who eats Chili Relenios knows.

Good sheet, and east to make a couple, versus dozens of Japs
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: peppers

willkat98 said:
I dont fark with Jalepenos, never have, too much work and inconsistent results.

No on ate them this weekend. Won't go into that.

I like stuffing Poblano's. Some are mild, some are really hot. Anyone who eats Chili Relenios knows.

Good sheet, and east to make a couple, versus dozens of Japs

I had three. Would`da had more, but my belly needed the room for the big stuff that was coming out of the smokers! Trouble with Japs is sometimes they`er hot and sometimes they`er not. Usually they`re not. Letting them sit on the counter will ripen them for more heat. Saturday`s were ripe and smokin`! Funny thing was the first thing Phil said to me was what I put in the filling to make them hot? As his finger tips to his shoulders burned from coring them. Yes, Poblano`s would have been nice too.

Damn, that was good eats!

Good seeing Bill........... (don`t forget to get me on the sauce swap)
RE: peppers

i finally got the bash photos posted in the photo section. Been so overwhlemed with stuff this past week that it was the first chance i got. Some of the bash bites have made it ino the file and I'll keep typing the others in. thanks to everone who showed up. A head count on friday night had 18 people, all members or friends that have contributed to the site or bash in some way(artwork, trailer, iceman). Also some locals who have joined and lurk occasionally. took me 3 days to recover from the previous week, and a full day for the laughing cramps in the cheeks and ribs to go away. The webcam with audio got our remote brothers in on the fray. Good time all in all.!! Thanks guys!
Re: RE: peppers

parrothead said:
Phil, did you find the picture I took just for you? Hint: it involved your dog and your shoes.

yup.. its in the gallery too. if he wasnt more of a pet rock than a dog, he probably would've got up and walked away.
Re: RE: peppers

BBQchef33 said:
i finally got the bash photos posted in the photo section. Been so overwhlemed with stuff this past week that it was the first chance i got. Some of the bash bites have made it ino the file and I'll keep typing the others in. thanks to everone who showed up. A head count on friday night had 18 people, all members or friends that have contributed to the site or bash in some way(artwork, trailer, iceman). Also some locals who have joined and lurk occasionally. took me 3 days to recover from the previous week, and a full day for the laughing cramps in the cheeks and ribs to go away. The webcam with audio got our remote brothers in on the fray. Good time all in all.!! Thanks guys!

some of them photos need a rotation mod by the creator of the folder