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members online just doesn't look the same without Willkat98 there while he sun is post counting farkers better get after it...Bill only gives you a couple of days a year to make up the ground.
The number of new posts is way down, too!

What's up with the web cam? I came in from doing yard work and its not on...
Having a great time, about to have abt's, armidillo eggs, brisket, butt, ribs, dino bonz......

Last nights, prime rib and cheesy bread will be hard to top, I think we'll manage :wink:
kcquer said:
Having a great time, about to have abt's, armidillo eggs, brisket, butt, ribs, dino bonz......

Last nights, prime rib and cheesy bread will be hard to top, I think we'll manage :wink:
You Farkers are killin' us out here,turn the camera back on so we can see all that food before it's gone :roll:
I hung out with them online for a couple of hours on Saturday. Hornbri in CA and me in MO, drinkin' beers together. Next thing I know, I've emptied the fridge of beer, and looking for someplace to lay down. I never made it back online.....I'm such a puss........

Thanks for the cam feed, guys.
Yeah... The web cam was nice. The audio added a nice touch, altough I had to keep the volume down at times... :D

I didn't hang out as much as I would have liked to due to family stuff...

Gotta get my priorities straight!
Cam fed is nice :D ....I can't get audio working without locking up my system :cry: There were a few non-pork butt shots :shock: :shock: that made me almost sick. It looks like everyone was having a good time.
My thanks to everyone at the Bash. I had a blast watching and listening this weekend. Greg your commentary was outstanding and greatly much so that I'll absorb the cost of monitor and keyboard after spewing the beverage of the moment now and again. Phil is the ultimate host...and now I know better than to ask if the ribs are done yet....I'm just grateful I wasn't there to get the response in person. Thanks again!