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is one Smokin' Farker
Jun 30, 2013
Benndale, MS
6 lb. butt

Butt rubbed with yellow mustard and Rufus Teague rub and injected with apple juice.

Rolling along at 275. This was my first time not smoking at 225. My WSM liked 275 a lot better. Held temps almost flawlessly the entire cook!

Just a little bacon weaving action. There is something therapeutic about the bacon weaving process.

Ya'll probably already knew where I was going next with the bacon weave......

A few ABT's

I wrapped the butt at 160 since I am smoking at a higher temp than I normally do. I was happy with the bark at that point anyway. If you look carefully, you can see two racks of baby backs on the bottom grate. Accidentally left them out of most of the pron.

Hey, look who's here! Some moinks showed up towards the end of the meat party! Plenty of room after taking the butt off after it hit 190. They were only on the smoker for a little while, then transferred them to the kettle to crisp up the bacon a little and caramelize some BBQ sauce on them.

It always pains me a little to make that first cut.

Everything turned out as I had hoped, and the family got full and finished off the few leftovers the next day. I declare this one, a SUCCESS!

Thanks for looking Ya'll!
I wrapped the butt at 160 since I am smoking at a higher temp than I normally do. I was happy with the bark at that point anyway. If you look carefully, you can see two racks of baby backs on the bottom grate. Accidentally left them out of most of the pron.

Thanks for looking Ya'll!

I looked even more carefully past the food and saw what looks like a small bobcat sleeping above your cooker. Don't want to alarm you, but definitely looks like a bobcat...........just smaller

Oh and that food all looks sweet. Thanks for sharing. Hope the bobcat didn't get you :twitch:
I looked even more carefully past the food and saw what looks like a small bobcat sleeping above your cooker. Don't want to alarm you, but definitely looks like a bobcat...........just smaller

Oh and that food all looks sweet. Thanks for sharing. Hope the bobcat didn't get you :twitch:

Haha! If ours was a bobcat, it would be the worlds least deadly one ever! It does love BBQ scraps and gives my dog stiff competition when it comes to begging. My wife said to tell you she got a kick out of your post! :clap:
This is a perfect story and Pr0n! The clean bone on the side of the pulled pork is a nice touch.

How many people in your "family"? That would keep my clan eating for 2 weeks.
This is a perfect story and Pr0n! The clean bone on the side of the pulled pork is a nice touch.

How many people in your "family"? That would keep my clan eating for 2 weeks.

I didn't even notice I captured the clean bone in the pic. :grin:

We have 4, but I also dropped some off to my parents. I admit, I did hide a little of the pulled pork from the fam so I'd have some after all was gone.
Man you went to town on that cook. I kept wondering what you were gonna add next! Everything looked fantastic and i'm envious of those who got to enjoy the fruits of your labor : )


Conclusion: Ladies and gentlemen........This house has been rocked.

You forgot the moinks! :becky:

Man you went to town on that cook. I kept wondering what you were gonna add next! Everything looked fantastic and i'm envious of those who got to enjoy the fruits of your labor : )

I also had a venison meatloaf planned, but at some point you gotta control your meat craving before you end up at MLA meetings! (Meat Lovers Anonymous):crazy:
