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Dec 11, 2007
El Paso, TX
Name or Nickame
SO.........I was looking for something cool and refreshing and light for dinner today. I remembered Tony's thread about Aguachiles. I've heard of this dish, but never tried it or even really knew what it was. All I knew what that it would be a dish that we'd enjoy as it has ingredients that our family enjoys.
I started with 2lbs of raw shrimp. I agree with Tony that the raw is better vs. the cooked shrimp flavor and texture is better.
I used 12 large limes and 4 jalapenos. I squeezed all of the limes into the blender and tossed in the 4 jalapenos (quartered). I added about 1 tsp of salt and 1tsp of pepper. Blended it all up and added about 1/2 cup of crushed ice to help cool things off a bit faster. I also added the juice from one orange to add some sweet citrus to the mix.
The shrimp got cleaned and cut in half and then mixed in with the lime/jalapeno juice.
To the mix I added 1/2 red onion, 1 cucumber(diced), and two stalks celery(diced) and half bunch of cilantro.

Put it in the fridge to chill and let the lime juice do its thang on the shrimp!
I added a bit to the recipe. The KETCHUP is a MUST! It adds that sweet zing/cocktail sauce flavor to the whole thing. I thought maybe some cheapy parm would add flavor and had to go with some Valentina Hot Sauce. It's a must!

Got the torts and some chile powder. Around here, the mom and pop shops sell tostada chips that are covered in chile powder. I went with this theme.


All fried up with some corn oil.

Long shot.......

I prepped the avocado with some lime juice a little salt and pepper.

I had more than 3 but less than 5 of these! I couldn't help myself!:doh: They are SOOOOO GOOD!!!!:twisted:

My wife is not a big fan of the hot and spicy, the jalapenos I used were hot, but she had several as well!

Gracias Tony y Maribel for the recipe! These are on our regular menu now!

That looks just awesome!! Now on the must do list. How long did you let the shrimp ride in the lime juice??

As I prepped stuff here and there and had a few beers and this and that........and a little of over here and was in there close to a couple hours. I think the longer it goes even better, but I suspect the lime juice at some point may turn the shrimp to mush. I think I may have diluted the effects of the lime juice a bit by adding that crushed ice but I think it also worked in my favor as I still have about half of the shrimp mixture leftover. I'll see what it looks like in the AM. As long as the shrimp don't turn mushy, I think they should be good. I also could have used another 6 or so limes and that would have help cook the shrimp a bit faster.

I have one complaint about this recipe!!!! As I fried up the torts..........I got a massive craving for ENCHILADAS!!!:doh: So, now I'm making a batch of red chile for enchiladas tomorrow! LOL!:laugh:
This was the straw that broke the camel's back.......enchiladas tomorrow!
Another idea that came to mind when I tasted the lime/chile would seriously rock a Bloody Mary!!!
Bob I would love to spend a week with you and learn some of your secrets.
I love that type of food. What would it cost me to fly you up here to Michigan for lessons???
Bob I would love to spend a week with you and learn some of your secrets.
I love that type of food. What would it cost me to fly you up here to Michigan for lessons???

How bout we trade! Food Lessons for some of your Deer Hunting Lessons? I'm all over that!:thumb:

Man, that looks good, it seems just like ceviche, is this the same dish, different region?

This recipe is from the Muy Bueno Region! :becky:

Last night, I took a mason jar and tossed in some ice cubes and spicy V8 into it. Then, I tossed in some of the shrimp, etc and made a little shrimp cocktail. Oh man it was good!

This reminds me of when I worked at a custom van shop and was about the only guero out of about 100 folks on the floor. The guys would bring in all this great Mexican/Salvadoran/Guatemalan, etc. food that their wives made and share it. The ceviche was unbelievable, and this kinda reminds me of that.

My lovely wife is allergic to shrimp, so sometime when she isn't around to eat, I'm gonna make this - thanks for posting! :clap2:
Man, that looks good, it seems just like ceviche, is this the same dish, different region?


Aguachile is a particular type of ceviche.

Ceviche is mostly made from fish (always raw) and sometimes shrimp, and can also have another seafood like octopus (mildly cooked), oysters, scallops etc. Ceviche is very similar to the aguachile recipe from the OP but the jalapeños are finely chopped and not liquified in the blender, it has tomato, onion, raw chopped jalapeños, cucumber, avocado (served at last on top so it doesn't look damaged), a squirt of olive oil and lots of lime juice (the lime "cooks" the raw fish so it must set for a couple hours in the fridge before serving).

Now, the aguachile is a very special type of ceviche that it is mostly known in the northern part of the pacific coast (Sinaloa and up) and it is only from raw shrimp and with only the ingredients described in the OP (otherwise it would be shrimp ceviche). With aguachile, what varies from region to region is the type of chile used (habaneros in some cases) and another spices and sauces like Maggi that makes it dark.
