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Found some matches.
Jul 19, 2008
New York, NY
Does anybody have any tips to adding wood chips to a big green egg when using the indirect offset? I find trying to get them in from the side they don't get on to the hot part of the fire in the center.
Initial set up really helps as others noted. I get chunks planted near the bottom of the coal and chips mixed in toward the top.

If I do need to add chips during the cook, I drop them down through the three gaps in the plate setter and then using my wiggle rod (metal skewer with a bent tip to clear the fire grate holes between cooks), I just flick them towards the lit coals. It's kind of like a foosball action, remember that game?

Hope that makes sense.
ill either mix them in the coals a few minutes before cooking by lifting the platesetter, or i use chunks...

i prefer chunks, they burn cleaner and longer...
Everyone here (almost) has great tips. You are very right that getting chips past the grate and platesetter is pretty hard - quick removal works best.When using the platesetter I prefer to strategically place chunks from the outset so that I get good smoke through the critical first few hours of a low and slow cook.

I also often use the versatile adjustable rig with oval grates from with a 13" round or 12"x17" oval stone on the lower rack for offset. With this setup I can still pretty easily drop chunks down into the coals if necessary while cooking.
I have read in some bbq books that if you place the chunks on the edge of the fire, rather than in the fire, you get a cleaner and more efficient smoke. i kinda agree. Though i have not tried it yet so thats mondays cook. the 4th is sloppy joes since i have to work. *sigh*