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Full Fledged Farker
Oct 20, 2011
Parkville, MD
Hi all,

I am usually not one to post online reviews about any product, but since I know there are others on here who may be thinking about a Humphrey's, I thought I would share my experience.

I ordered my Half-Pint (HP) through smokeinit here on the forum.

Dealing with Kevin was an absolute pleasure. Right from the start, i told him I was considering other smokers so i just needed some info. He never pressured me to purchase and simply answered my questions as if i was talking to a friend. I never felt like he was trying to make a sale. As you can see, I got the purple on because my 3 year old daughter wanted it to match Sophia the first's dress. :crazy: i ordered and was told it would take about 6 weeks.

When my HP came, it was packed so that it could survive anything! The box and packing added like a 100lbs. But there was no way that it this thing was going to be damaged in transit.


The smoker
I do not claim to be a smoker expert, but this thing seems well built. It is as solid as a tank. I use a guru with it, and it holds temps as solid a my kitchen oven! i have used it several times and could not be happier. I used it in my first comp and I did much better than expected, for what that is worth. Since I know very little about smokers, I called in my expert to check it out :-D


She says it looks Great!:clap:

Customer Service
finally, this is where Humphrey's really shines. While transporting to the comp, i loaded it into the back of the SUV and managed to bend the heck out of the smoke stack flange cover. I tried to flatten it back out to no avail. Since the smoker is brand new, i felt like I needed to get it fixed. I emailed Chad Humphrey and explained that i was an idiot wanted to know if he could make me a new flange. His reply email simply said, what color is the flange? what color is the logo? what is your address? i will send you one free of charge...including shipping! :clap2:

In closing, I could not be happier with my decision to buy my HP. from ordering, to shipping, to customer service has been nothing but a positive experience.

last photo, with my custom lettering job
Prior to this, I was using a UDS. This is quite a step up, but much to my wife's dismay, I refuse to get rid of my drum! I love cooking on that thing.
Nice. and.. a tip of the hat to caving on the Sofia colors. lol,.. I got that stuff everywhere. Me and the boy are outnumbered big time. Anyways, your pit looks great, and your helper looks pleased with the color scheme. Congrats!
I have to agree with you 100% with Humphrey's.....

Kevin is by far a shining star, never pressured me, just answered questions, and suggested a unit.

As far as customer service with Chad and Nicole .... Absolutely awesome... While I never had a problem, I did call just to tell them how pleased I was with my Down East Beast... They talked like we were close friends and stressed that I should never hesitate to call if I ever had any questions or issues...

I don't think they get the full credit the deserve for making an outstanding well built cooker.
What made you go with a Humphreys as opposed to an Assassin or Stumps?

I looked at a lot of different smokers before deciding. And while cost was not the biggest factor, The assassination and stumps came in at over $2000, and since it is just me, the wife, and the princess, I didn't really want to spend that. The HP, seems just as good and was at my door for under $1500. Also, talking with Kevin really put my mind at ease and I seemed to her ally like the looks of the HP.

So, I liked it and it was also cheaper.
Very nice setup. I'm like you in that I could not justify purchasing a larger unit. I think I'll check out their website for future reference. Thank you for posting.
Dealing with Chad at Humphrey's is the best, it's more like talking to your best friend instead of a salesman. I ordered the Qube'd Pint with all the bells and whistles, I should get the smoker around July 4th.
Thanks for writing a review. I am interested in a cabinet smoker.

How much can you cook on your half pint? How hard is it to clean up on it and general maintenance?
The half pint is small, but I have cooked 4 racks of ribs and 10 chicken thighs at once. It is only me, my wife , and daughter, so I never cook much at a time. Now that I think about it, I have also cooked a pork butt and brisket at the the same time too. The brisket was just a flat.

Clean up it straight forward, wipe down the racks and clean up any drips on the outside. That is about it.
I wish mine was packaged like that for shipping, it wouldnt be smashed before i got it, it was not a humperys one, i really like what i see from humpherys