Duke City Shenanigans - Jerked Spare Ribs (w/ Pr0N!)


Those are awesome!!!!!!


Thanks for posting!

Looking mighty fine :thumb: I’ve never done jerk ribs, trying to think if I’ve ever even done jerk pork anything :shock: may need to change this.
Looking mighty fine :thumb: I’ve never done jerk ribs, trying to think if I’ve ever even done jerk pork anything :shock: may need to change this.

I highly recommend taking the time (planning ahead, unlike me today) to put them in to marinate for a day or two before you cook them.

I'm pretty sure I pinched the idea from Marty, knowing all the amazing Jerk that's going down at his place in Florida.
and lime...(taking notes)...

Gonna get up off the couch and give some pork chops the treatment right now - can't wait!

Those look fantastic and thanks for the idea - I've always pretty much associated WW with chix. :hungry: