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Who cares except for Rick, obviously...?

Casting a wide net trashing places because they have white bread??

You know what they say, opinions are like arseholes and most of them stink.

If it bothers you that bad, don't go to those places. It's that simple.

Walk in, ask if they serve with white bread. If they do, you can leave.

Sonny's bbq??? The bread is the only thing worth eating there from MY experience.:p:laugh:
Fun fact of the day. When the original Dreamland got in trouble with taxes, they figured out his sales by his bread orders. Each plate came with 2 pieces of white bread. At my restaurant you can get roll, cornbread, mexican cornbread, texas toast or white bread with your Q.
I et at a place in South Carolina that served hush puppies with their BBQ. When I have time and the resources, I use telera rolls (the bread used for Tortas) but I always make sweet cornbread muffins to serve with the BBQ.
I never heard or seen hush puppies served with bbq. Only see them on menus at places that serve fish. Maybe I need to venture further north?

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If it's anything like Craig's BBQ in DeValls Bluff, Arkansas, I'm gonna guess the overhead is pretty low. A telling question was when my son asked "is this a restaurant?" when we pulled up. :laugh: Farking awesome spot btw - run down, but awesome. IIRC they serve white bread like most of the good BBQ joints do, btw.

Did you try the sauce? Lots of people from all over the country love the sauce. Me? Not my favorite by far. But it does go well with pork.

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I never heard or seen hush puppies served with bbq. Only see them on menus at places that serve fish. Maybe I need to venture further north?

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One of my favorite BBQ places in Nags Head, North Carolina has hush puppies on the side.

From a quick Google, all of them in the northern OBX (Sooeys, High Cotton, Pigmans, Carrituck BBQ) serve hush puppies, and no white bread.
Of course I have tried it. I have no choice but to eat BBQ this way if I eat it out in town because so far the only place around me that doesn't serve everything on plain white bread is Sonny's BBQ restaurants. So far, that was the best BBQ that I have had down here. All of the local places that people rave about down here were rather tasteless to me. There was no smoke flavor at all at one place I ate at. Sure enough, I read the google reviews and other people complained of the same thing, tasteless meat.

Florida isn't known for good BBQ because they simply don't have it here. There are just a few places in the entire Tampa Bay area that serve decent BBQ, I'm not even talking good, but just decent. I have more places to try, but now I'm having to drive 40 minuets away to get there. What's worse is everyone I talk too that has already been to these places says, "Don't bother" and they all agree that so far Sonny's is the best in my area.

Do you realize how frustrated and sad that makes all of us that I have talked too? Tasteless meat. Plain white bread. Awful beans. If they do one thing decent then the rest of the meal sucks.

Why doesn't anyone care to elevate every part of the meal? When did American become as locked by tradition as Japan is?

BBQ was served with plain white bread because it was cheap and none of the places that served BBQ were places that made bread. Instead, they were butcher shops, meat markets, and even grocery stores and gas stations. BBQ was a cheap side gig for most of these places.

But today, BBQ is expensive. You have to pay 8-13 dollars for a single pulled pork sandwich here with no sides, no fries, no nothing. Buy a drink and just one side and you have just paid as much as a meal at Olive Garden or any regular sit down restaurant. And this is just for pulled pork! Eat some Brisket and you pay as much as a fine wine and dine place. So why are they serving plain white bread with one of the most expensive so called cheap meals that you can have? For 8-13 dollars you can't have a better bun? You can't toast it? You can't even butter it? You can't even try something better because of some tradition that isn't even really a tradition?

A tradition is a long standing belief. A tradition is something usually based on authority. In the case of white bread on BBQ it can't even be called a tradition because it was only based on cheap availability and that's all. That's not what's best. That is certainly not a belief and it wasn't imposed as a standard by any authority. Instead, it's just what places seem to always do because someone before them also did it for some reason they don't even remember. That's not a tradition.

Cornbread is better. Hush-puppies are better. Toasted Texas toast is better. But if you serve plain white bread and you have no other reason than, well, that's what someone else does, then you haven't elevated anything at all. Instead, you just downgraded your meal for no good reason whatsoever.

If you look up a burger recipe you will often find "Toasted, buttered, brioche bun" in the recipe. Why? That's because many people agree that a hamburger is best on a toasted (because a hamburger is juicy and toasting it helps prevent sogging of the bun) brioche bun. A brioche bun has eggs and often honey or even vanilla added. It is a semi sweet bread with good flavor that pairs well with a burger. But for BBQ, people just serve plain white bread from the bag. Really? That's what people think is best with BBQ? No, instead that's just what people do because it was what someone else did to be cheap and quick.

Have you tried Dr. BBQ The Restaurant 1101 1st Ave S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705? My brother and I were there last week and I have to say it was some top notch barbecue that I would place right up therewith Q39 in Kansas City. I had the brisket, pork belly, sausage, turkey and pastrami. My brother and I both agreed that we liked the pork belly best, but all of the meats that we tried were very good, tender and moist. And for the sauce fans, he had three very good sauces. No white bread on the plate even though it is listed as being with the meal, but we did order the Cornbread Madeleines and they were great.

Can't compare to Sonny's as I have never been to one based on the fact I have never heard a positive remark about that chain.

"Florida isn't known for good BBQ because they simply don't have it here"

Well there ya go.. good BBQ doesn't need anything to distract it from being the main course. Good meat should stand front and center above all else. If I'm spending several hours cooking for friends or family do I want the meat that I spent a good chunk of change for and several hours preparing to be overshadowed by a piece of whatever? Nope! Bust out the fancy rolls and get creative with leftovers but not on "gameday" lol Give up on those subpar Q joints and just indulge in making your own awesome Q. Tradition or no tradition.. just the way it is for me.
I understand your frustration with the lack of quality BBQ restaurants. I am in northern Oregon (grew up in Oklahoma) and until recently there were no places worthy of eating at. Most of the people around here don't know any better and rave about the terrible food they were just served. It's actually one of the reasons I got focused on cooking good BBQ.

One of things I like about BBQ is that, in my opinion, it doesn't need to be "elevated". I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. If you want to make a fancy bread to eat with your BBQ have at it. I'm sure it will be great. I enjoy the simplicity of a slice of white bread with brisket and I think a lot of other people do as well.

I enjoy BBQ cooked in traditional methods served traditional ways. It works for me. I understand people will have different tastes and prefer things in a different way. What I guess I don't understand is why you seem to be taking such a stand against it. Maybe I am misinterpreting your post.

Of course I have tried it. I have no choice but to eat BBQ this way if I eat it out in town because so far the only place around me that doesn't serve everything on plain white bread is Sonny's BBQ restaurants. So far, that was the best BBQ that I have had down here. All of the local places that people rave about down here were rather tasteless to me. There was no smoke flavor at all at one place I ate at. Sure enough, I read the google reviews and other people complained of the same thing, tasteless meat.

Florida isn't known for good BBQ because they simply don't have it here. There are just a few places in the entire Tampa Bay area that serve decent BBQ, I'm not even talking good, but just decent. I have more places to try, but now I'm having to drive 40 minuets away to get there. What's worse is everyone I talk too that has already been to these places says, "Don't bother" and they all agree that so far Sonny's is the best in my area.

Do you realize how frustrated and sad that makes all of us that I have talked too? Tasteless meat. Plain white bread. Awful beans. If they do one thing decent then the rest of the meal sucks.

Why doesn't anyone care to elevate every part of the meal? When did American become as locked by tradition as Japan is?

BBQ was served with plain white bread because it was cheap and none of the places that served BBQ were places that made bread. Instead, they were butcher shops, meat markets, and even grocery stores and gas stations. BBQ was a cheap side gig for most of these places.

But today, BBQ is expensive. You have to pay 8-13 dollars for a single pulled pork sandwich here with no sides, no fries, no nothing. Buy a drink and just one side and you have just paid as much as a meal at Olive Garden or any regular sit down restaurant. And this is just for pulled pork! Eat some Brisket and you pay as much as a fine wine and dine place. So why are they serving plain white bread with one of the most expensive so called cheap meals that you can have? For 8-13 dollars you can't have a better bun? You can't toast it? You can't even butter it? You can't even try something better because of some tradition that isn't even really a tradition?

A tradition is a long standing belief. A tradition is something usually based on authority. In the case of white bread on BBQ it can't even be called a tradition because it was only based on cheap availability and that's all. That's not what's best. That is certainly not a belief and it wasn't imposed as a standard by any authority. Instead, it's just what places seem to always do because someone before them also did it for some reason they don't even remember. That's not a tradition.

Cornbread is better. Hush-puppies are better. Toasted Texas toast is better. But if you serve plain white bread and you have no other reason than, well, that's what someone else does, then you haven't elevated anything at all. Instead, you just downgraded your meal for no good reason whatsoever.

If you look up a burger recipe you will often find "Toasted, buttered, brioche bun" in the recipe. Why? That's because many people agree that a hamburger is best on a toasted (because a hamburger is juicy and toasting it helps prevent sogging of the bun) brioche bun. A brioche bun has eggs and often honey or even vanilla added. It is a semi sweet bread with good flavor that pairs well with a burger. But for BBQ, people just serve plain white bread from the bag. Really? That's what people think is best with BBQ? No, instead that's just what people do because it was what someone else did to be cheap and quick.
Did you try the sauce? Lots of people from all over the country love the sauce. Me? Not my favorite by far. But it does go well with pork.


If you consider buying about 6 jars of it trying it, then yes. I loved it. I sent my folks to Craig's. They are used to Southeastern type BBQ - kinda thinner NC style vinegar sauce, etc. and they didn't care for it. I thought it was great even though I'm not much of a sauce guy.
Have you tried Dr. BBQ The Restaurant 1101 1st Ave S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705? My brother and I were there last week and I have to say it was some top notch barbecue that I would place right up therewith Q39 in Kansas City. I had the brisket, pork belly, sausage, turkey and pastrami. My brother and I both agreed that we liked the pork belly best, but all of the meats that we tried were very good, tender and moist. And for the sauce fans, he had three very good sauces. No white bread on the plate even though it is listed as being with the meal, but we did order the Cornbread Madeleines and they were great.

Can't compare to Sonny's as I have never been to one based on the fact I have never heard a positive remark about that chain.


Thank you for suggesting this place. No I have not been there because that is another one of the 40 minuet drive places that I have yet to go too.
Well.... this has been a controversial few

We, Here, don't have a bbq tradition. A few places have come and gone, and it wasn't very good, you want good bbq you better learn to do it yourself....that said, the places that have tried always served cornbread as a side, the smallest chunk of cornbread they could cut, like an inch and a half square, which kind of annoyed me, they couldn't give you a 2" square piece?...
My kids moved to Texas, and yes, I was surprised the joints down there primarily gave you plain texas toast, ok, in Rome.....but it was an eye opener, cause remember we weren't raised on ANY bbq traditions...

So what bread would be better?, Italian bread! it's cheap, it's white, it actually has taste and comes with a crunchy crust..., that's OUR tradition, we put both hot and cold stuff on it and call it a hero....Now eye talian anything probably won't fly in Texas, probably can't even get it there, or a lot of the south, but it would elevate your bbq!, LOL
I haven't eaten in a Sonny's for many years, but did a lot in the 90's when in FL on business. I always thought their pork was pretty good. Not traditional BBQ, but tasty meat. BBQ can be a lot of styles.

And I agree with the poster above who said one of the nicest things about BBQ is it doesn't need to be elevated. It just needs to be done well. It makes a lot more sense to eat it on butcher paper than white linen.

I seldom eat the bread anyway, unless it's a sandwich. Usually order a two or three meat plate.
Some brisket on a slice of cheap white bread with pickles and onions or a sausage wrap is good stuff.

Ya ain't lying. If you don't like it like that, you don't have to eat it like that, and I wouldn't be opposed to trying it your way, but....

....plain white bread is cheap and already sliced up. It requires no extra work when you're already smoking meats, putting out sides and stuffing your own sausages. It's just a great, yet simple vessel for transporting a pile of brisket, pickle and onions (+whatever) into your face hole.
Well.... this has been a controversial few

We, Here, don't have a bbq tradition. A few places have come and gone, and it wasn't very good, you want good bbq you better learn to do it yourself....that said, the places that have tried always served cornbread as a side, the smallest chunk of cornbread they could cut, like an inch and a half square, which kind of annoyed me, they couldn't give you a 2" square piece?...
My kids moved to Texas, and yes, I was surprised the joints down there primarily gave you plain texas toast, ok, in Rome.....but it was an eye opener, cause remember we weren't raised on ANY bbq traditions...

So what bread would be better?, Italian bread! it's cheap, it's white, it actually has taste and comes with a crunchy crust..., that's OUR tradition, we put both hot and cold stuff on it and call it a hero....Now eye talian anything probably won't fly in Texas, probably can't even get it there, or a lot of the south, but it would elevate your bbq!, LOL

Exactly. This is what I have experienced as well. When you grow up outside of these traditional BBQ states then you are not raised with some psudo religious belief about what BBQ is supposed to be. So when you get plain white bread with your meal it's quite a shock. The first thing that goes through your mind is "What the hell is wrong with this place"? Then you try another place and they also serve everything with plain white bread. Then you think that these people just don't care because even McDonalds understand that a sesame bun is better. When you learn a bit more about food and cooking you understand that a place like McDonalds wouldn't spring for a sesame bun on one of the cheapest burgers around if it didn't dramatically add to the flavor and enjoyment of the meal.

But of course we are talking about a global business with people dedicated to research verses mostly mom and pop shop BBQ places that certainly don't look like centers of education and experimentation. Instead, it's like they only care about the meat and that's it. They even defend their white bread, crappy sides, and lame sauce with this statement that "You come here for the meat". It's so backwards. How can any American in the technological age sit there and think this is the best we can do this?

I'm glad I posted this because you all have given me better options and some of you have the same feelings that I do about this. How can it be better? How can the whole meal be better? Better bread. Better sides. Better everything. I'm not talking whitle table cloths. I am talking about flavor, texture, etc. I am talking about the meal, not the place it's served at.
mom and pop shop BBQ places that certainly don't look like centers of education and experimentation. Instead, it's like they only care about the meat and that's it. They even defend their white bread, crappy sides, and lame sauce with this statement that "You come here for the meat". It's so backwards. How can any American in the technological age sit there and think this is the best we can do this?

I'd appreciate you more if you told us how you really felt.
Fun fact of the day. When the original Dreamland got in trouble with taxes, they figured out his sales by his bread orders. Each plate came with 2 pieces of white bread. At my restaurant you can get roll, cornbread, mexican cornbread, texas toast or white bread with your Q.

Where’s your place?
Fun fact of the day. When the original Dreamland got in trouble with taxes, they figured out his sales by his bread orders. Each plate came with 2 pieces of white bread. At my restaurant you can get roll, cornbread, mexican cornbread, texas toast or white bread with your Q.

Nice job. At Tuffy Stone's two restaurants at least they toast the bread and butter it for every sandwich. You can also get corm muffins there with anything as a side.

What I would like to know please is what bread do customers like the most with their meal or order the most on the side? Which bread is the most popular and why do you think it is?

Thank you.